Piction Network, contracted partnership with webtoon service companies, Battle Comics & Maxim Comics

Jiwoong Heo
Piction Network
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2018


The block chain start-up Piction Network (below “Piction”) announced that it has officially signed a strategic partnership with Battle Comics and Maxim comics. Piction has embodied collaborations from the conceptualization stage of the project, and it is confirmed that it is currently reviewing and confirming the official participant.

Piction officials said, “Battle comics and Maxim comics have been involved since the beginning of the fiction project, and discussions have been started since July.”, “Recently, the two companies decided to participate in the distribution network of the content ecosystem to be built. We have signed an official partnership.”

Piction is a project launched in May of this year and has a concept of returning a lot of revenue and influence to users and creators to alleviate the problems of excessive influence and profitability of some proprietary platforms.

“Battle Comics and Maxim comics are expected to be distribution partners that will help the Piction ecosystem based on their content quality and loyal customer base,” said a Piction official. “We will expand to distributors of diverse content,” He said.

