The Story Behind Picture This Clothing

One Winter-break, I made a dress for my 6-year-old daughter Zia, based off of a drawing she had done.
Roughly $100 in fabric and supplies and approx 12 hours across three days, sprinkled between work-from-home obligations and just before completing the hem and collar on this artistic creation, I had Z try the dress on to make sure it fit. She exclaimed, “I’m wearing my imagination!” and didn’t want to take it off long enough for me to finish. Her exclamation and excitement felt like an ultimate-triumph parenting moment!
I figured if she was OK with it as-is, I was OK with it, too–not really expecting she’d wear it almost nonstop for the next six months.

From our original Instagram post: Experimental project Day 3:
Zia drew a dress, she picked the fabrics and we made it! Needs a little clean up but it was super fun to make and super rad to see her smile.
Her first words when she put it on, “I’m wearing my imagination!” 😍🤗❤️ 12/24/2014

Everywhere we went Zia would receive compliments on her amazing rainbow dress. When people would ask where she got it she would proudly explain how she designed it with her mind and that it was the only one in the whole world. After a few months of this, my boyfriend Ken said, “You know, you’ve got something here–if we could help other parents experience what you two have experienced with this dress, wouldn’t that be amazing?”

Initially, the idea scared me, it was so much work for just one dress! After…



☕️ Coffee With Jaimee

Writer, Doodler, Professional Experimentalist. Living + Learning Out Loud. Author of 12 Ways to Be Better to Work With. Made: