Mind Like a Garden

Weed out mistaken ideas and let truth grow free

Aikya Param
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


From website Interseed’n’Grow

Look back to winter wind and rain
Look forward to flowers fragrance and hue
And know that fruit is the future.

Amidst the obvious abundance in nature
Was it a near forgotten time
That I decided that it was true
That there is not enough for me
And have held on to the idea
Holding myself back from thriving?

Working with my mind’s a lot
Like gardening. I need to get
My trowel and dig out trashy thoughts
Like this and make a hole to plant
A flowering, fragrant tree I smile at.
The trunk connected to the All-good
Source and branches generously
Reaching out their leaves, every
One holding an affirmation.

But even without my effort today,
Truly, an abundance of treasure
Grows in nature without my planting.

Aikya Param is a licensed minister, a poet, and visual artist. See her publications on Medium, Swing Wide the Gate and Out of the Treasure Chest.



Aikya Param
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Rev. Aikya Param is a minister at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living in Oakland, California, a published author and visual artist.