8 Reasons Why You Need to Join Viana Tech Meetups

Andreia Campainha
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2018

Hey folks, we just wanted to say… we love you! ❤️

The support we received this year blew our minds, shook our worlds (and Viana’s Tech scene) and allowed us to grow as an initiative and as professionals.

Season 2 was extremely eventful for the VTM community. This year we managed to host speakers from other countries, grow our community and expand our audience. And this was only the beginning.

If you’re still unsure of what the Viana Tech Meet Ups are, here’s a quick summary:

Viana Tech Meetups is the leading forum for all digital enthusiasts in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. We foster networking and knowledge by sharing opportunities about technology and entrepreneurship. There is a range of explored topics such as Startups, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Product Process Design, Web Development, Internet of Things, etc.

We host unique events monthly, along with Tech Talks and the US sessions.

  • Tech Talks 👤 are lead by guest speakers, who share their vision, work, and involvement in the tech or design scene.
  • US Sessions 👥 consist of a workshop in a simple, informal and cheerful environment where anyone is invited to discuss the proposed theme and to learn from it.

Hence, after 7 Meetups during 2017 and 2018, we announce with great pleasure that we almost 500 members — Amazing! Thanks to you 😄

So far the Community reaction was pretty great, and I think it’s fair to say that we’re getting good at this! 😌

Read on to see what happened!

Tech talks 👤

This year was pretty epic, covering topics ranging from startups showing us the best they have to offer, to agile team performance, and the balance between successful projects and the ones that stay in the box. If this peaked your curiosity, be sure to watch the talks below.

Agile is Dead — Session(13);

Pedro Gustavo Torres, Director of Software Engineering @ Talkdesk in Porto brought us one of his talks, “Agile is Dead”. Pedro is passionate about people, technology, and products. Born and raised in Porto, he has lived in Lisbon and also in London. He is one of the best-known Agilists in Portugal and has been running engineering teams since 2008.

The questions are:

  • Are all companies successfully adopting Agile & Scrum?
  • Are Certifications Enough to Create Certificates Professionals in Scrum?
  • How are the transitions for Agile?
  • How peaceful are they?
  • Do all developers love Scrum?
  • Is Agile working on software development?

➡️ Watch Pedro Gustavo Torres — “Agile is Dead”

Photo Album 📸

So.. we made a photo album on Facebook for you to like, tag, and share with your folks! Let them know where you have been learning new tech tips!

These are not Information Systems projects— Session(12);

Norberto Amaral is a consultant for communication, creativity, innovation and event organization. He leads and organizes TEDx Porto, the largest TEDx event in Portugal and one of the biggest in the world, and is a Toastmaster, having recently reached the Distinguished Toastmaster degree.

In this session “These are not Information Systems projects”, Norberto shared his experience in implementing information systems projects in contexts where technology, being capacitating, takes the place of the passenger when faced with … the reality of the customer and the business!

➡️ Watch Noberto Amaral — “These are not Information Systems projects”

Photo Album 📸

So.. we made a photo album on Facebook for you to like, tag, and share with your folks! Let them know where you have been learning new tech tips!

Insights for the future of the Internet — Session(11);

Wayne Andersen, an American retired IT Super Hero, has worked in the computer industry since 1981. His professional experience has ranged from large to small corporations as well as the academic world. He has contributed to varying roles from Sales, Research, Development, Technical Support, and Training.

Wayne brought his insights about the competing values of free speech, commerce, privacy, and regulation. As industry insiders, we have to be aware of how we can and must shape these values to fit the future that we desire.

➡️ Sadly at the time, we didn’t record video, but…it was our first experience with live stream. 🤩

Nélson Dias has a background in Science and Education. He’s interested in applying technology to solve common problems. In this talk, some cases of web and mobile technologies and their speed of adoption will be revisited, as well as the way we look at our current state and what we envision for the near future. How fast can a technology have a global adoption?

He is also, the CEO of a great northern Portuguese agency called Digital Species.

➡️ Nélson Dias — “Insights for the future of the Internet” via live stream

Tech is transforming our lives — Session(10);

Jorge Oliveira, CEO, and Co-Founder of siosLife, spoke in this event about their work and involvement in the tech scene. Given the constant growth of the senior population, it is imperative to create a means to combat and solve these problems. Tech companies play a fundamental role, and it is necessary that professionals from different areas use the resources of each of them to create various mechanisms, putting their knowledge at the service of the senior population.

The challenge of siosLIFE is to optimize technologies and means of interaction, resorting to the different areas of computer graphics and human-machine interaction.

As a result, it is estimated a substantial improvement in the daily life of this population, creating at the same time mechanisms of inclusion of this age group in the current technological society.

➡️ Watch Minified Video — “Tech is transforming our lives”

Yes, we know it’s a lot to digest, but it was worth, right? There’s just a few paragraphs more before we wrap up! 🤗

The US sessions 👥

This year we had the idea to alternate the Talk events with a more hands-on moment where we could bring the same networking and learning spaces, but this time in a format of an exchange of experiences over a tech or design topic:

➡️ Design Workflow

Rafa is Netlify’s designer, a San Francisco-based startup that is changing how we build and deploy to the web. In this session, we looked at how we can leverage modern design tools and workflows — using version control, designing components, streamlining communication with engineers, and being as productive and effective as possible.

➡️ React & Tooling

In “React & Tooling” session, we took the opportunity to share our experiences and learn a little more about Single-Page Applications, namely with React and all the tooling associated with the development of Javascript (ES6 / ES7): Webpack, Babel, etc.!

➡️ Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

We addressed all the information we have been confronted since 2017: Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrencies.

And that’s it, folks! We see you in a couple of months, so stay tuned! We’ll be sure to come back 💪 after the summer break, as we are always working on new things just for you!

A big thanks to PICUS, NQDA, Dinamo10, ESTG, Pêra Doce, VianaPrint, Mercado na Loja, AEESTG and everyone who help make these unbelievable meetups a reality for the Viana do Castelo tech community.

If you want to support us or do a partnership with us🤝 Please contact via hello@picus.pt 🚀

PICUS is a consulting company of designers and developers that partners with you to create great products for web and mobile. You can follow our work on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

See you soon! 😎



Andreia Campainha
Editor for

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