My 2015 Reading List

Han Li
Piece of Mind
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016

2015 passed.

Last year, I bought a kindle and started reading on electronic device. I usually don’t have a reading roadmap, but look for books that interest me.

Here is a list of books I read in 2015, with a few comments. It’s interesting to review it.


Lean Analytics

Shipping Greatness

The Innovator’s Dilemma

Only The Paranoids Survive

High Output Management —I am surprised that business school doesn’t use this to teach management and leadership. This is a must read book.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Zero to One

Paul Graham’s Blog — THE best articles for entrepreneurs and startup founders. It’s also the best articles for product guys.

The Goal — To be honest, I still don’t understand why business school uses this book to teach operation after I re-read it. The basic principles of operation can be explained in a simpler and more elegant way. This book is tedious and boring.

Work Rules

The Startup of You

The Alliance

The Five Dysfunctions of A Team

Growth Hacker Marketing — Good read but not helpful. I completely agree with what Alex Schultz, VP of Growth at Facebook, said, “every time you hear the word growth hacking, just automatically translate that into bullshit in your brain”. Unfortunately, people always think there must be some magic.The only way to grow your business is to have a great product and then tell people about it. That’s it. There is no shortcut.

The Everything Store

Steve Jobs: by Walter Isaacson

Behavior Science and Psychology

Existential Psychotherapy — This is the fourth time I read the book. It changed my life.

Being Mortal

What Life Could Mean to You — If you ever feel bad about yourself, this book explains why, and how to cure it.

The Road Less Traveled

Outliers — Malcolm never disappoints.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

How to Win Friends And Influence People

Succeed — How We Can Reach Our Goals

Science and Fiction

The Martian — The book is far better than the movie. Spoiler alter: I saw Murphy from Interstellar in Martian.

The Science of Interstellar

三体(The Three-Body Problem) — Hugo Award for Best Novel. Enough said.








素女经 — 比《金瓶梅》和《不二》差远了


