Two perceptions of maths

from someone who has long struggled with grasping its essence, yet remains forever hopeful

Pieces of thoughts


Photo by Timon Klauser on Unsplash

I view math from two lenses, one algorithmic and one artistic. I think most people, myself included, happen to see and experience maths algorithmically; as a set of repeated steps, rarely ever deviating from its perceived rigidity; having only the capacity to use it as a tool.

Then, there are the few who at the tenderest of age grasps its utility along with its fluidity and elegance. Their abilities seem to have spontaneously sprung up from within imbuing them with a superpower capable of representing and twisting reality into the most mind-bending structures.

Most regrettably, I belong to the former, but ever since I caught a small glimpse of its infinite powers and artistic nature, I have sought out its art galleries where the masters gather; to peek at their minds; to listen in on their discussions; to simply be a witness to the birth of a new and fundamental idea.



Pieces of thoughts

Computer scientist with a Master’s in Analytics. I gather knowledge and share it through writing. If you are one of the curious then join me.