Another UX Definition — part 2

Tomáš Paulus
Pieces of UX


Instagram post on 18.9.2019

Last time you learned that the User eXperience has several touchpoints. And now… What is UX Design?

Do you think that you can really design user experience? Sorry, you can’t. You can make it worse. Or better. But you cannot create it. It simply exists; with or without your intervention.

UXD is a process in which you become a user advocate in business, design and development conversations. It’s a process in which you listen to the users’ requirements and behaviour patterns and bring this knowledge back to the company.

It’s a process. Take your pen and jot it down: I T I S A P R O C E S S. Thank you.

Remember: UXD isn’t an event, it’s not any hammer for fixing feature problems. Oh, wait. Have I already mentioned, that UXD is a process

Apparently, I did. Sorry. Well, then.. every process has several actions, right? These could be:

  1. User research (analyse and empathize)
  2. 2. Design (strategize and prototype)
  3. 3. Refine (test and optimize)
  4. 4. Repeat

Unfortunately, this business is a damn neverending story. And what’s the worst… No huge flying dog Falco is waiting for you. There are only eternally pissed users. Good luck with your process.



Tomáš Paulus
Pieces of UX

UX designer and button shifter from Prague, who enjoys working with people on their businesses. #TopMonks