Design thinking

Tomáš Paulus
Pieces of UX


Instagram post on 18.9.2019

If you want to be a billionaire, think like a billionaire! Ooops. Wrong post. Let me try it again. If you want to be a great designer, think like a great designer!

Think out of the box.

Never stay in a rut. How to get out of it? Use the design thinking framework and its 5 phases:

  1. Empathise
  2. Define
  3. Ideate
  4. Prototype
  5. Test

Find what the user wants, define it, come up with ideas, create a prototype, test it, come up with another idea, make another prototype, test it, define a new issue to solve, come up with 76769th idea, make a prototype, test it and test it again… and repeat.

Use your sixth sense and common sense… and any other sense is needed… and use also the design thinking approach… to come up with a design that is spectacular! Ooops. Sorry. Wrong again. Come up with a design that solves a user’s problem and makes him or her happy.

Because this is what every great designer does. Makes people happy. And makes money.



Tomáš Paulus
Pieces of UX

UX designer and button shifter from Prague, who enjoys working with people on their businesses. #TopMonks