Announcing DeFi+L

Published in
4 min readOct 7, 2020

The big one. The one we’ve all been waiting for.

It’s finally here.

DeFi+L, the first truly decentralized tokenized index of large-cap DeFi projects is officially live.

Decentralized finance is taking the world by storm and rapidly challenging the established economic system.

Need proof? Last month decentralized exchange Uniswap overtook Coinbase with $15b volume, and there’s currently $10.5 billion locked in DeFi protocols.

DeFi+L provides easy exposure to this emerging economy. A basket containing seven of the largest DeFi projects, DeFi+L allows investors to buy one token and relax as it automatically rebalances.

What’s more, by spreading your investment across a wide range of established projects you’ll be investing in DeFi with the minimum possible risk.

What’s in DeFi+L?

DeFi+L is made up of a choice selection of seven of the largest DeFi assets.

They are; COMP, AAVE, UNI, LINK, MKR, SNX and YFI.

Learn more about the projects:

Compound Finance

Each token is allocated a percentage weight based on their project’s current market capitalization, and the protocol automatically rebalances as prices fluctuate. The index has a maximum cap of 25% for one single token.

DeFi+L gives investors easy, accessible, and affordable access to some of the hottest projects in the space, minimizing the risk of trying to pick and choose winners.

But that’s not all:


Currently being worked is a system for holders of DeFi+L to delegate the underlying DeFi tokens to the PieDAO community for governance votes. PieDAO’s DOUGH holders will vote as a block on decisions across each project, increasing DeFi development engagement and simplifying the user experience.


In alternative indexes, the tokens are locked away and their capital is wasted. We’re working on an innovative solution that will put this money to good use. Stay tuned for more details!

Learn More

Learn everything there is to know about DeFi+L below.

Where can I get DeFi+L?

You can mint DeFi+L directly at

Why is X project not included in DeFi+L?

This basket of projects was selected by the PieDAO community, with DOUGH token holders participating in two rounds of voting. They represent some of the largest, most established, and most promising projects building a decentralized future.

To have your say in how future tokens are built, get some DOUGH and head over to PieDAO, the world’s largest decentralized autonomous organization!

The PieDAO Range

DeFi+L is the fourth tokenized index to join the PieDAO bakery.

You can also invest in:

DeFi+S (a balanced basket of six small cap DeFI projects)

BTC++ (a balanced basket of four Bitcoin pegged tokens)

USD++ (a balanced basket of four USD pegged tokens)

Together, DeFi+S and DeFi+L will form the upcoming DeFi++ token, which will give investors broad exposure to both large and small-cap DeFi projects. The current proposal is for DeFi++ to have a 70/30 DeFi+L / DeFi+S weighting, resulting in the following allocation.

DEFI++ Exposure

There are plenty more tokenized indexes on the way, so join the PieDAO community and have an active say in what comes next.

DOUGH Staking

There are some other great incentives to be a DOUGH holder besides governance.

As of this week holders of DOUGH can stake in the DOUGH / ETH 80 / 20 liquidity pool, which is currently earning a beautiful 430% APR.

Learn more about DOUGH:

Why farm when you can Bake?

Join PieDAO


The PieDAO is a decentralized organization dedicated to bringing market accessibility and economic empowerment to anyone with an internet connection through Pie Protocol. Anybody in the public community may support these efforts by completing bounties, making feature requests, or proposing new Pies. DOUGH token holders are the DAO’s decision-makers, governing which proposals are accepted.



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Winter Bears Founder, covering Ethereum/DeFi/NFTs/DAOs