Announcing DOUGH Staking

Going live on October 4th!

Anastasiya Belyaeva
3 min readSep 29, 2021


At PieDAO, we believe that DAO profits should go to those who put in the hard work of driving this wealth creation machine forward: active governance members.

To achieve this, we are rolling out DOUGH Staking and Governance Mining, scheduled to go live on Monday, October 4th.

This represents a complete redesign of the PieDAO governance system with token holders in mind: vote on key DAO matters and get compensated for your work every month.

The Staking & Governance mining release has implications that reach far beyond PieDAO: if individuals from across the world are able to get compensated for their expertise, instead of selling hours of their life for salary, this means we are entering the future of work driven by DAOs.

Staking at a glance:

  • Any DOUGH holder can choose to stake for 6 to 36 months, and receive veDOUGH in exchange.
  • The selected staking period and token amount will determine a user’s voting power and share of DAO profit. The value of long-term capital is higher than that of short-term capital.
  • If veDOUGH holders participate in at least one vote per month, they will receive monthly cashflow rewarding them for their work. These rewards include treasury farming yield, protocol fees and other farmed tokens distributed in the form of a Reward Pie called SLICE, which can include BAL, CRV, and SUSHI, among others.
  • Since only veDOUGH holders have voting power, this means no free-riding, no swaying votes for short-term gain, and true long-term alignment for the future of PieDAO.

Stake early, receive your share of over $600k distributed in the first month

As a reward for those community members that stake in the first month, over $600k* are waiting to be distributed as cashflows at the end of the first 30-day period. These rewards have been cumulated over the past few months of hard work of our Treasury Farming Committee, as well as the success of our products.

*the value is based on spot prices of 29/09/2021

The how-to guide on Staking

If you already have DOUGH in your wallet, please follow the steps below to participate in staking. If you don’t have DOUGH just yet, head over to 1inch to buy some ahead of time — and then follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Dough Staking page (Live Monday, Oct. 4th)
  2. Connect your wallet and add veDough to Metamask
  3. Select the amount of Dough to Stake
  4. Select the time period (in months)
  5. Click on ‘Stake Dough’
  6. Voila — you’re done!

If you run into any issues please reach out to us on the PieDAO Discord channel here.

Where can I learn more?

  • Check out our user guide for Staking here;
  • Join the PieDAO live Q&A on Monday October 4th, 4PM UTC on our Discord’s meeting channel;
  • Try our staking simulator here to estimate how much you can get for a given DOUGH amount and your desired lock-up period.



Anastasiya Belyaeva
Writer for

Envisioning decentralised future @fabric_vc || prev. Chief Party Officer @openoceanvc || part of @firestartrco family || loyal @univofstandrews graduate 🎓