Community Blog Nov 27th

Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2020

Wow. It really is heating up in this bakery. Let’s dive in!

Balanced Crypto Portfolio: All You Need

Jason put forward a proposal for a pie we’ve been dreaming of for a long long time. BCP will provide equal exposure to BTC, ETH, and DEFI, actively rebalancing between all three. The DEFI allocation uses our DEFI++ index ($DXP), itself a balance of DEFI+L (DLP) and DEFI+S ($DSP).

BCP successfully passed a Snapshot governance vote and will go live in the near future. Watch this space.

DeFi++ Launched

There’s no way any of you missed one.

Earlier this month we announced our most delicious pie yet. DeFi++ is the most diversified index on the market, containing 13 DeFi tokens.

It’s a 70/30 weighted balance of DeFi+S and DeFi+L and is the first index of indices on the market.

A few days after launch the pie was already up 33%. DEFI to the moon!

Read the full announcement as well as our research backtesting the allocation against DPI, sDEFI over the last thirty days.

(Spoiler, the crustiest index won)

PieDAO in Bankless

We featured in Bankless! Thanks 0x_Lucas for the great analysis. You can learn about the advantages of index investing and some of the options on the market today.

Bankless is a great DeFi media outlet with articles podcasts and more, check them out!

Renaming Tickers

A Snapshot vote is now live on a proposal to rename Pie tickers.
The move was initiated following community recognition that the + symbol not operating with Twitter tags was hindering our growth.

After lengthy community discussion we came to an informal consensus around a new naming convention.

An upcoming blog goes into all the details.

Vote today, it closes in a few hours! Snapshot allows gas-free voting, so there’es no reason to not get involved.

CryptoChico Coverage

The PieDAO community came to the decision to work with Chico Crypto to spread awareness of our ETF products.

The first video was fantastic, and brought a noticeable wave of new users to the DAO. We’re looking forward to working together into the future.

Thank you Chico!

DEFI+D Progress

We’re continuing to make progress on our yield farming pie, DEFI Degen Pie. DDP will eventually allow investors to stake in high-yield farms with minimised risk.

Here’s a sneak preview of the current allocation.

You might notice the introduction of Hegic, a new protocol that’s been making waves in the DEFI scene. Hegic staking isn’t an option for many, requiring 888,000 HEGIC to stake (around $180k).

By pooling our funds together we can open that door to everyone, sharing the rewards together.

PieDAO on DefiLlama

You can now get all your bakery stats from DefiLlama, check it out!

ExperiPie Update

We’re getting closer and closer to some really exciting updates with the ExperiPie. The first update will be a brand new DeFi pie made of interest-bearing versions of DeFi tokens, for example Aave’s aTokens.

ExperiPie is also the technology that enables metagovernance, which will allow DOUGH holders to be delegated the underlying tokens in our pie to vote across the DeFi ecosystem.

We are currently waiting for an audit response from MixBytes.

Community Member Spotlight

This month’s Twitter winner was Crypto Elfo. Our pies really do make life simple for investors.

Thanks for the love!

Block Enthusiast on PieDAO

Block Enthusiast wrote an incredible piece on the DAO.

If you didn’t check it out already it’s a must-read, diving deep into metagovernance and how pies work.

Thank you!

PieDAO Mod Spotlight: BVB (@DOUGHdefi)

BVB works tirelessly on Twitter to engage and promote the DAO, and definitely does not get enough credit.

Thank you for all the amazing work you do, BVB.

Share some love for this superhero. Watch out PieMan.

That’s all for this blog everyone! Look out for a new post very soon, and don’t forget to vote in the re-brand proposal Snapshot.

Interested in learning more? Come and say hi in our community Discord channel.

The PieDAO is a decentralized organization dedicated to bringing market accessibility and economic empowerment to anyone with an internet connection through Pie Protocol. Anybody in the public community may support these efforts by completing bounties, making feature requests, or proposing new Pies. DOUGH token holders are the DAO’s decision-makers, governing which proposals are accepted. If you want to know more about PieDAO:

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Winter Bears Founder, covering Ethereum/DeFi/NFTs/DAOs