How to Claim and Redeem SLICE Rewards

Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2021

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. This is an educational resource. Please do your own research when interacting with this protocol.

Hi chefs, congratulations! You have staked DOUGH and played a part in the governance of PieDAO over the last month. At long last your commitment to the project and its community grants you access to SLICE of our success. But where exactly is your SLICE, and how can you redeem it? Let’s take a look:

Where are my SLICE rewards?

Glad you asked.

  1. You can find and claim your SLICE rewards in the Summary section of these two pages:

a. DOUGH Staking page

b. Piefolio page

2. Click on Claim

3. An overlay will appear, click on CLAIM SLICE. Follow your wallets prompts

4. You will now see your SLICE rewards in the Piefolio page

5. You can see your reward history at the bottom of the DOUGH Staking page

How do I redeem my slice rewards for the underlying pie?

  1. Go to the Pies page
  2. Under the Governance Mining category, click on SLICE. This will take you to the SLICE page.

3. In the SLICE page click on Redeem SLICE in the top right corner

4. A Redeem overlay will appear. In this section you can choose how much of your SLICE rewards you want to redeem for the underlying PIE. And the amount of underlying PIE you will receive for your chosen redemption amount.

5. Click on Remove Liquidity and follow your wallets prompts

Remember, you can claim your SLICE of the rewards at any time. This means you can stack your SLICE rewards and not have to claim every month (darn gas fees!). But after 90 days of voting inactivity you will give up all unclaimed rewards. These unclaimed rewards will then go to active members. So remember to vote at least once a month and stay up to date on the latest proposal here.

If you run into any issues please reach out to us on the PieDAO Discord channel here.

Introducing the veDOUGH compounding trial

PieDAO is running a veDOUGH compounding trial and you can take part of it today. Proposed by DarkMattereum and inspired by Alchemix. The idea is to allow veDOUGH holders to forgo part of their share of SLICE rewards in exchange for more veDOUGH.

Key points:

  • Gives you the option to receive veDOUGH as a form of yield distribution from DOUGH staking
  • Your forgone share of SLICE rewards would be available for use by the treasury
  • veDOUGH holders as a whole will benefit as this would allow for faster treasury growth
  • Once a week we will publish a SLICE/DOUGH conversion rate based on a three day average of DOUGH price and SLICE NAV
  • Participants will receive veDOUGH equal to the amount of SLICE sent
  • Plus veDOUGH to cover gas fees spent on both transactions (claiming and sending SLICE)

How to auto-compound:

  1. Claim your SLICE rewards
  2. Send it to the PieDAO treasury wallet (0x3bCF3Db69897125Aa61496Fc8a8B55A5e3f245d5)

