How to mint USD++

Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2020

These guidelines are intended to provide a step-by-step procedure for the minting of USD++.

The USD++ smart-pool currently includes as underlying assets a weighted allocation of the following USD stable-coins on the Ethereum network (exact weightings can be found live here, after connecting Metamask):

  • ~47.22% USDC
  • ~28.58% TUSD
  • ~20.42% DAI
  • ~3.78% sUSD

In order to proceed with the minting process it will currently be required to hold the correct proportion of each of the above mentioned assets in a single Ethereum wallet, that will be eventually used to interact with the PieDAO USD++ contract for minting.

Spoiler Alert: In the near future we’ll be releasing a single entry functionality, allowing to mint USD++ starting from a single asset held on wallet.

Getting the underlying assets

All of the underlying assets can be conveniently swapped on starting from any of the major Ethereum-based stablecoin. Simply select the origin asset as “From” and the destination asset as “To” and hit “Sell”, then confirm on Metamask.

The underlying assets can be swapped on

Minting USD++

As soon as all required amounts of USDC, TUSD, DAI, sUSD will be sitting in your unique ETH address, the USD++ minting can take place by heading to, connecting your Metamask and adding the required liquidity to the USD++ pool!

Just make sure the same ETH address also holds enough ETH to pay for the minting tx gas.

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