PieDAO Roadmap 2021 — Q2

Alessio Delmonti
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2021

Q1 was a critical period for PieDAO, laying the groundwork and establishing strategic partnerships to make the DAO ready to hit full gas on growth in Q2.

Here’s the highlight of the core developments in Q1:

  • We expanded our product range with the hugely successful Ethereum gaming and metaverse pie PLAY, giving holders direct exposure to real NFTs thanks to a collaboration with NFTX.
  • We introduced a new product line, PieVaults and the peripheral Protocol migrator, allowing holders to passively benefit from the intrinsic productivity of multiple strategies without lifting a finger, as well as meta-governance and much more secure architecture.
  • We introduced the new DOUGHpamine liquidity incentives program, together with a more efficient staking contract, that puts DOUGH at the heart of all pairs and links its success with the rapidly growing DeFi and gaming ecosystems, and increases the demand for DOUGH on the market. The currently incentivized pairs are rewarding liquidity providers with over 1000% APR.

Finally, several improvements in the frontend application have been rolled out as well including the Exchange and Piefolio, as well as tools such as Tiramisu.

We have built an incredibly proud organic community on Discord and here in the forum with several members taking the lead in designing new products 🤝

Q2 is set to be a truly game-changing period for PieDAO, with the planned introduction of a series of long-awaited features, as well as some exciting brand-new developments.

Treasury Vaults

Introduction of a whole new product line that will offer DAOs custom treasury management solutions — Treasury Vaults.

Treasury Vaults are tokenized portfolios that truly unlock the power of the PieVault architecture. As well as using strategies such as lending they are able to hold positions in liquidity pools like Uniswap / Sushiswap and Curve, farming tokens by staking in contracts such as the Masterchef and Gauges and compounding profits. As such they lay down the tech for LP Indexes which were proposed by the community not long ago.

These vaults can be co-governed between the DAO deploying the funds and PieDAO, allowing DAOs community to ultimately vet decisions on how funds are used.

Treasury Vaults are tailor-made for each DAO, allowing decentralized communities to easily maximize their potential and mitigate risk.

The pilot program of Treasury Vaults is about to launch with Aragon, subject to a successful vote by their community. A proposal will be published for PieDAO to do the same soon.

DOUGH Staking & DAO v2.0

DOUGH staking has been a long-awaited and discussed feature within the community:

  • How to distribute fees to DOUGH Token Holders?
  • How to align incentives for governance participation?
  • How to incentivize long-term holding of DOUGH?

Previous research and discussions have provided invaluable feedback for the design of an upgraded governance module to answer those questions while increasing the decentralization of the community.

The DAO v2.0 re-designs the DOUGH value accrual system by linking it at a deeper level with an upgraded governance system, where active participation would be rewarded with regular cashflows.

When a member stakes DOUGH into PieDAO and actively participates in governance they start earning regular cash flow composed of a diversified portfolio of assets. DOUGH effectively becomes a claim on the protocol and the DAO revenues.

The system aligns incentives for DOUGH token holders to further the mission of the DAO to create a self-driving wealth creation machine.

For the sake of brevity, more details will be coming out in a separate post but I want to reassure members who are concerned about voting because of gas-fees.

It’s our top priority to allow anyone to participate in governance by eliminating gas cost in voting, because of that the DAO v2.0 will function with an optimistic execution flow, enabling users to keep voting gas-free and execute the result on-chain.

PieVaults 2.0

The next release of PieVaults focused on features to enhance yield generation capabilities and user experience improvements for the end-users.

Single asset entry/exit & Buffer

The BufferFacet allows the use of on-chain oracles to enable single asset entry and exit for a supported asset into a Vault, effectively merging together the existing Ovens and the Pies into one single product.

The Buffer is a significant improvement as it means holders of a Vault do not have to rely on AMMs to enter and exit positions. Using the buffer entering/exiting a position into a pie is instant and extremely gas efficient, meaning you will receive your pie atomically and does not require a second step by the users like it happens today with the Oven (first deposit, later withdraw).

Yearn Strategy Support

Support that enables yearn strategies to be used inside PieVaults. The interface used by Yearn strategies had become an industry-standard in DeFi, by using them PieDAO products will be able to inherit existing strategies but also open up the opportunity for strategists to build on top of a familiar interface.

The StrategyBasket module enables to define ratios for multiple strategies attached to a single asset within a pie at the same time. This functionality enables to merge the benefit of diversification with the best yield generating strategy available in the market. You can think about it as a multi dimensional yearn vault.

Take the example of a fictional USD Vault:

Synthetix Synths Support

Support for the Synthetix platform allowing for zero slippage and infinite liquidity on 42 synthetic assets. Vaults based on Synths allow for efficient rebalancing without liquidity concerns and opens up the possibility for Pie Architect to include exposure to synthetic equity such as sFB, sAAPL, sAMZN, sNFLX, and sGOOG.

Creating a product composed of only synths has little risk involved to the assets and it would be possible to delegate external managers to take ownership of the rebalancing, as well as attaching an off-chain trading bot for instance or even implement on-chain trading system assuming the oracles are available (ie: RSIManager).

I would like to see a high-frequency trading bot managing a pie as fast as Synthetix moves forward to their own Optimism rollout.

New adventures on EVM Compatible chains.

While our focus will stay on Ethereum, we believe it’s of vital importance that DeFi does not only work for high net worth individuals.

We have plans to actively deploy products on EVM compatible chains starting with sidechains and help facilitate the bridging of assets between them.

Onboarding Partners for Growth

On top of the development roadmap, we have been setting the scene for a strong growth push. Starting from May, we will be working with WachsmanPR, crypto’s leading PR agency led by marketing veterans, to amplify our voice and spread our vision wider, onboarding new users and community members. Additionally, we will be working with Wintermute, one of the most respected market-makers, to ensure both our governance token DOUGH and the Pie products have sufficient liquidity on the markets.

Expanding the team

To execute on this ambitious product roadmap, as well as the aggressive growth plan we are looking to hire the most extraordinary Engineers, a Product Manager, and a Head of Marketing to join the journey with us. If you think you are aligned with the mission and want to get involved, check out the job specs and apply here.

More roles will likely become available in the near future as we continue to build the rockstar team.


As you can see, we have an exciting and eventful quarter coming up. Work on several of the mentioned developments is well underway, and we’re looking forward to sharing more details very shortly.

The core team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who’s been with us on our journey to this point, and warmly welcome all new members. PieDAO as an organization is founded upon its community.

Here’s to a fantastic Q2!



Alessio Delmonti
Editor for

@Alexintosh Founder of @DexWallet.io , @Defitracker , @Dexpay_me 🏴‍☠️👨🏻‍🍳