
Adriana Vazquez
Piedmont Coffee Quest
2 min readJun 8, 2017

Crepevine, Coffee Price $2.50

I went on an amazing Euro trip in April and May. I traveled through Budapest, Vienna, Prague, and London. I got to spend time with my soul sister/best friend. It was great. It was amazing. I loved every bit of the trip. But in the span of two and a half weeks, I had traveled on 7 planes, been to 8 different airports, taken numerous trains, metros, buses, and Ubers, and walked an insane amount of miles. Needless to say, I was ready to come home.

Here’s a weird photo of some space babies.

On my first full day back in Oakland, I spent all day in bed by myself. I didn’t want to see anyone or do anything. So, I binged Master of None season 2 and had no regrets.

Traveling is great. I love exploring new places and seeing old friends. But at the end of the day, I love coming back home.

Here I am dancing in front of the Buda Castle.

Now I’m back and ready to drink coffee again. Last week, Tessa and I both stayed home sick (get it? I was homesick and then I was home sick). We slept in, got brunch at Crepevine, and explored our usual Piedmont Ave. stores.

The location that Crepevine is at now has been a lot of different restaurants since I moved here. And I have vague but not significant memories with each of them.

But here are some loose associations I have with Crepevine.

Freshman year at Cal, a group of us pulled and all-night for no real reason. We walked around all night and eventually had breakfast at a Crepevine. There is a photo somewhere of us eating, looking very, very tired.

One time I ate there with a boy who was eating a Mazatlan omelette and I couldn’t stop thinking that this whole thing would end very badly.

I drank mimosas with Tessa and her mom there once.

Every time I go there, I have a moment where I think, “wow, this place is way more expensive than I remembered”. Literally, every time.

Well, I’m home now and I’m healthy. So, I’m back at coffee-questing.

