
Adriana Vazquez
Piedmont Coffee Quest
2 min readApr 12, 2017

Coffee price: $3

I had a friend that I used to see everyday until one day I didn’t. We didn’t have a fight or falling out. And sure there’s more to the backstory that maybe makes it understandable but essentially in an instant, an entire friendship fell off the face of the planet.

I recently ran into this person. It was weird. So weird, that I felt the need to say it out aloud over and over again. “This is so weird.” How strange the feeling, to have known someone so well and now they are standing in front of you, a total stranger.

We ordered a huge spread this morning.

And now, after a breakup with someone seemingly important, I wonder, how long until we become strangers? Where is that breaking point? We used to spend all our time together and one day we won’t know each other at all and all the bad things will have just faded away.

Will I run into you in 5 years and think “I once loved you so much and now you’re just a stranger”?

To look upon you face and feel nothing well that’s a funny kind of feeling.

I’m not sure that I even want to reach that point. It almost seems like a waste to have built something up only to let it wither away with no memory. Of course, in 5 years, I’ll probably feel differently. I’ll probably be happy that I let it wither and let us become strangers.

One day I’ll run into you in a Target and you’ll tell me about your happy life and good job and neither of us will feel a thing. And all I’ll really be able to say is “this is so weird.”

