Snow White Coffee

Adriana Vazquez
Piedmont Coffee Quest
3 min readMar 21, 2017

Coffee Price: $4

I recently went through a breakup. A bad one. The kind that makes you cut off all your hair, rearrange your room, decide that you need to drink less, party less, and exercise more. The kind where you wake up at 8am on a Saturday to go to Pilates and get a start on all those projects that for months you’ve been putting off.

So I woke up on Saturday at 8am because I had gone to bed at 11 the night before, even though it was St. Patrick’s Day. I was resolved to go to 8:30 am Pilates. I was resolved to get more exercise and I was resolved to start a new project.

The residents of “the Upper Glen” conceived this idea in the summer of 2016 — which is just a fancy way of saying my roommates and I came up with this idea in our apartment, located just off of Piedmont Avenue. We had the idea of making a map of all the places on Piedmont Avenue where you could get a cup of coffee.

We made a few attempts to make this a reality, but all of them failed. Now, I find myself with more time on my hands. I had the time to wake up at 8 am on the weekend and try the places that I previously walked by thinking: “I need to go there.”

You should know, the dream is to have an actual, illustrated map of all the little places you can get a black cup of coffee on this street, with their price points. It was also my idea to have a cool story, photo, or conversation that happened there.

Saturday, March 18, I went to Snow White coffee with my roommate. We went after going to Pilates. I want you to know this: I love sleeping in. I love the weekend and waking up at 10am. So this was a big deal. Waking up, hitting the gym, and enjoying a cup of coffee. It wasn’t a bad way to start a Saturday. We ordered a pour over coffee, “Oakland Chill” (which is their version of an iced Vietnamese coffee), and a veggie quiche to share.

What’s more “millennial” than two girls taking photos of their food before they eat it.

We had our coffee sitting on red cafe tables under the foggy Oakland sky. We talked about boys, breakups, and opening yourself up to opportunities. It felt appropriate that I was sitting here at this cafe that closes at noon on the weekends. I actually managed to start my day early enough to try something new. It’s amazing what can happen when you open yourself up to opportunity.

So cheers, here’s to many more cups of coffee to consume.

