Episode #1 — A.I., Design Resources and Must-Watch Videos

Pier 31 Technologies
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017
Image credit: NASA

A selection of links that we clicked, read, discussed about and felt compelled to share.

This week: articles on Design enjoyed by Developers, helpful resources to understand logos, videos that engineers and non-engineers alike must watch, and questions on A.I.


Are Gradients the New Colours?
Only time will tell, but it is still worth learning something about this trend, and about Design elements in general.


What Makes a Good Logo?
The article is about logos, in a broad way. It presents some well-known concepts and principles of logo design and branding; however, it goes one step further, stating that logos are just a piece of the whole brand identity and that they hold a function similar to that of the cover of a book. Just like we cannot judge a book by its cover (both literally and metaphorically), we cannot judge a company only based on a visual asset such as a logo.


Composition over Inheritance
Inspired by this post, we started a conversation about videos that engineers must watch. This is the best guy to explain why composition is better than inheritance, with powerful and fun examples. If you haven’t watched it already you should go ahead and do it!


What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True
This talk is useful to understand the value of using empirical evidence in software engineering, instead of relaying on claims. Needless to say, it perfectly applies to life in general.


The Body is The Missing Link For Truly Intelligent Machines
Recently, Nuno successfully led a Brown Bag about A.I., a fascinating topic that always stimulates passionate conversations.
This piece connects A.I. to the questions of embodiment and consciousness, which are tricky to explore and often lie at the margin of the conversation. Turns out our body and brain contribute to building an incredibly rich and powerful model of the world that surrounds us. We naturally make use of it to deal with problem-solving tasks on a daily basis.

Finally, a really cool tribute to the city of Lisbon:

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