How online businesses and coaches are pivoting in response to COVID-19 in 2020

Employees working on marketing.

What a year! Am I right? It seems like 2020 is the year in which literally anything can happen. Social unrest, economic downturns, a PANDEMIC (what?!). This has not been a great series of events for businesses. Businesses are closing at an alarming rate with more expected to close between 2020 and 2021. don’t let yours be on the chopping block! You have more options than you might have considered. In this article, Carrie Pierce is going to discuss the various ways in this Pierce Digital Creative has helped businesses pivot, earn money in a weird economy and stay afloat.

First, what do I mean by “pivot”?

Pivoting literally means changing direction. If you have an established business you likely have had a marketing plan. Or at least a loose plan of action that gets you regular sales. If you have a brick and mortar business (you own or rent a physical location ) you might be seeing restrictions on how many people can enter your establishment at the same time or you may have needed to close your location completely.

Some businesses, like that of a recent client needed to close their brick and mortar location in order to comply with proximity restrictions (but don’t worry. Today they are up and running a successful membership site).

If your rent is 2k per month, you have a restriction only allowing people in your space if they can be spaced 6 feet apart but your building is not that large you may only be able to have 3 or 4 people in your business at once. What we have been seeing is that you cannot both make your business rent and pay yourself under these conditions. Therefore many businesses have shuttered their doors.

So what do you do to make money now?

You’ll need to pivot to an online model! Online businesses are amazing. They decrease your overhead and allow you to concentrate on other things like your marketing.

Some examples of Businesses who have pivoted:

Restaurants Moving to an all delivery or outside only model has kept many restaurants afolat. Restaurants have been beefing up their websites and SEO to accommodate online ordering.

Wellness Centers Wellness centers and yoga studios have been moving online by integrating online memberships and services. Many even do live zoom classes!

Lawyers Lawyers have pivoted by selling pre made business contracts online, teaching business law courses online to the general public and taking meetings via zoom

Coaches Coaches have found great success by moving all appointments online and establishing better offers they can sell through Facebook and Google ads.

Real Estate Agents Real Estate Agents have pivoted by integrating online walkthroughs into their house listings. Some have even walked clients through via facetime.

Doctors Offices Doctors offices have pivoted to an online format by using telemedicine options for non serious ailments. And before you think it, YES they are even HIPAA compliant.

Schools Schools are pivoting by using online education platforms.

Can EVERY business move to an online format? Unfortunately no, but many of the services you offer can be modified to comply with social distancing and you can offer more online options that reduce the risk. Hopefully we’ve given you some ideas for your business. However there are some business models that move beautifully into a fully online format and yours might be one of them, so don’t close up shop until you speak with a professional online business coach like Pierce Digital Creative.

If you are interested in pivoting your business to be more accessible online we would love to help! Please reach out to and schedule a consult with Carrie Pierce.

