What is SEO and why do you need it in 2020 and 2021?

SEO is a buzz word that many businesses and Solo-entrepreneurs hear. It apparently means many things to many people when it’s misunderstood. However the pro’s know it’s actually a combination of techniques that makes it effective. And what worked last year might not work next year. So what do you need to know?

SEO stands for search engine optimization

Search engine optimization means that you are making your website and online content as friendly to search engines as possible so that you can rank higher in a search.

The term SERP’s means “search engine results page’s”. This is the page generated by a search engine when specific key words are entered into search to find your business.

Keywords are words that are in your website that can tell a search engine that your content or website is relevant. If the search engine sees these words on your site and a user types them into search you will come up in Google’s results.

But without SEO you might come up on the last page :(

No one wants that because people just don’t bother to click that far into SERPs for their answers.

Why do you need SEO?

If your business is not on page 1 of local results when the key terms of your business are typed you definitely need help with SEO. Your competitors are often tweaking their websites and content to compete with you. They are searching for all of the industry key words and key terms (aka longtail keywords) they can use to dominate those terms in search results. The longer you wait to address an SEO problem the harder it will be to use those keywords for your business.

Backlinks are links TO your content FROM another website.

Not all backlinks are equal. The reputation of a business can be determined in part by Google through the reputation of the websites providing you with backlinks. If you don’t have an SEO strategy in place your competitors will be using all of your pertinent and reputable backlinks. This can stall your business growth.

Why is SEO more important in 2020 and 2021

In 2020 we experienced the first pandemic to occur to the developed world since the internet became a daily viable source of income. Because of this, many people who’s jobs were downsized are turning to running an online business. 2020 is creating even more competition in an already saturated arena.

In 2021 we will see more online businesses taking their baby steps towards online income. Those implementing SEO strategies NOW will get a running start.

Still not entirely convinced? Shoot us a message!

Or if you’re interested in learning more you can reach out for training or implementation at www.piercedigitalcreative.com.

