Who Are the Berith Lochem?

They are everyone…. And they are no one.

Pierre Roustan
Pierre Roustan
2 min readJan 20, 2020


From the beginning of time, during the age of before Noah. Before Abraham. Before Isaac. Before Jesus…. The Berith Lochem roamed in the name of God to purge evil. Hunters. Executioners. Visionaries. Warriors. And they all came from the mightiest of his time, Nimrod.

The truth is The Cain Letters began farther back than the words on the first page, a lineage of hunters known as the Warriors of the Three Trinity Lines, born of Nimrod’s goal to reach the heavens unscathed and untainted. The clans grew, studying the arts of combat and war, until a time when Nimrod himself lost his way in seeking the same perfection one Lucifer aimed for so long ago….

Upon building the tower of Babel, it became clear: his hubris, his ambition, clouded his judgment, and he became a plague unto himself as the Lord scattered his seed afar, leaving the Berith Lochem across the world with no center, no sanctuary —

Nothing but a more aimless, yet tireless, mission to walk the Earth as witchers do….

Until THE CAIN LETTERS were discovered right here….

