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The AI & Analytics Engine
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Titanic Survival Prediction using No-Code Machine Learning
Titanic Survival Prediction using No-Code Machine Learning
In data science, the most popular introductory exercise is the Titanic problem, which is the most popular competition on Kaggle. The task…
Cameron Welland
Apr 23
How Predictive Analytics is Driving Evolution in Insurance
How Predictive Analytics is Driving Evolution in Insurance
The advancement of insurance technology (Insurtech) is leading to rapid evolution in the industry. Spearheading the disruption is the…
Cameron Welland
Jan 30
How Predictive Analytics is Powering Smart Manufacturing
How Predictive Analytics is Powering Smart Manufacturing
Throughout the history of the manufacturing industry, companies have leveraged new technology to optimize their operations. The four…
Cameron Welland
Nov 15, 2023
How predictive analytics is transforming the banking industry
How predictive analytics is transforming the banking industry
In the competitive world of banking and finance, gaining a competitive advantage is vital. This leads to the industry being among the first…
Cameron Welland
Oct 17, 2023
Predictive Analytics in 2023: Definition, Benefits, Use Cases and Tools
Predictive Analytics in 2023: Definition, Benefits, Use Cases and Tools
Predictive analytics provides a way for businesses to make data-driven strategic decisions.
Cameron Welland
Sep 6, 2023
AI Use Cases in Marketing
AI Use Cases in Marketing
As marketers, we are constantly looking to stay ahead of the curve, to get an edge on our competition.
Cameron Welland
Jun 5, 2023
Developing a strategy to win back lost customers
Developing a strategy to win back lost customers
Whether it’s a long time customer, or a promising new one, a customer churning sucks. The good news is, it’s not the end of the story, as…
Cameron Welland
Apr 13, 2023
A guide to customer churn analysis
A guide to customer churn analysis
Customer churn analysis is the process of finding trends in customer data in order to uncover who, when and why customers are leaving.
Cameron Welland
Apr 5, 2023
The 10 best AI Tools for Marketers
The 10 best AI Tools for Marketers
It’s 2023, and at this point, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) isn’t just for data scientists. No code tools that…
Cameron Welland
Mar 20, 2023
How to Predict and Reduce Customer Churn
How to Predict and Reduce Customer Churn
Customer churn is probably the single most important metric to get right when it comes to business growth. I don’t know if that’s an…
Cameron Welland
Mar 13, 2023
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