Living With a Teen Daughter is No Joke

Jokes about living with my teenage daughter

2 min readMar 22, 2024


Photo by Julie Ricard on Unsplash

I never knew that asking what someone wanted for breakfast was so offensive until I had a teen.

It was 70 degrees yesterday, so naturally, my daughter wore her insulated winter boots to school. The same ones she didn’t wear in actual winter.

My daughter should win an Oscar for her dramatic performance in “Please Bring The Dishes Down From Your Room”.

I need movie theme music to play when my daughter walks in the room, so I have some idea of what kind of scene this is about to be.

My daughter has created a new game show where she puts her shoes all over the house and then asks us where they are.

Gentle parenting with a teen is just walking very quietly so you don’t draw attention to yourself.

My daughter wants something “fun and not boring” for dinner tonight and I’m feeling a lot of pressure now.

One hard thing about having a teen is you can’t just pick them up and put them somewhere anymore.

Me, just trying to get to my dinner plate. My teen daughter, performing an elaborate TikTok dance in front of dinner.

Taking my teen daughter to a concert tonight. She asked what I was wearing so she could be sure we “look cool together”.

One thing you miss when your daughter becomes a teen is full photo albums. Now every picture I take has to go through an extensive review process that includes zooming to 500%.

My daughter is texting me in acronyms again and I can actually feel my body decaying.

Me: You need a coat
Teen: I’ll be fine
Me: It’s 25 degrees
Teen: I’m in a school all day, I’m not out hunting for deer

I count riding while my teen daughter is driving as cardio.

No one’s ever more confident than my teen daughter telling me how to do something she’s never done.

My daughter can’t bring a bowl down from her room but did manage to polish her Crocs to make them look brand new.

I’ve decided I’m not going to let my teen’s attitude get to me today, and so far I’m doing really well with it. She’s not awake yet.

