Rejected Tea Bag Tag Quotes

That hope to still make it into a fortune cookie

Jennifer Haubrich


Image of rejected tea bag quote dreaming of living in a fortune cookie, made in Canva.

There can be no wrong side of the bed if you don’t get out of it.

It is better to be a good person than good-looking, so cheer up.

Haste may make waste, but it also doesn’t miss the flight, just saying.

Your hard work will pay off, unless it does not, which is very possible.

It is what it is, even if you happen to be in deep denial about it.

If you’re unknown, there’s less chance you’ll be hated, but not zero.

Everyone needs a dream, even if that dream borders on delusion.

How certain are you that every cloud even has a lining?

If you haven’t noticed, laughing with you sounds a lot like laughing at you.

Better late than never. Unless you’re already dead, then it isn’t.

Time heals, but in the meantime, there are weed gummies.

Everything happens for a reason when it goes your way, doesn’t it?

Time will tell, but you may need bifocals to see it.

All that glitters isn’t gold, sometimes it’s broken glass you just stepped on.



Jennifer Haubrich

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: