Thoughts of a Mom in the School Pick-up Line

Am I parked weirdly? Is my taillight broken? I should’ve gotten the car washed…

Aparna Ram-Chintalapudi
2 min readApr 12, 2024


Cars lined up: Canva image

Oh good, looks like I got here early today. Wait, how are there eight cars ahead of me?? My god, have these people been sitting here since drop-off time?!

The lady behind me is staring. Should I wave? No, don’t wave, that would be stupid. Why is she staring? Am I parked weirdly? Is my taillight broken? I should’ve gotten the car washed.

Oh never mind, she’s looking in the rearview mirror at her eyelashes. How is she so put together? Most days, I look like a Category 4 hurricane threw up on me.

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Oh no, did I leave the oven on?? Wait, did I put the baking tray in there at all?


Hey! Eyelashes lady, yeah, I see the line is moving, I’m moving, I’m moving, jeez. I don’t care if you drive a Tesla, you got no chill.

Okay, where’s my kid, where’s my kid? Ah, there she is, hi sweetie! What’s she carrying? A huge poster board? Oh god, not another project for the weekend?

I’d better get an A on this one.

