Become Your Wildest Dreams

Following The Same Steps The Toddlers Leave Behind

Kgothatso Ngako
Pigeon Hole
3 min readAug 4, 2017


My nephew is 2 years old and communicates primarily through his actions. As soon as I get home from work he greets me with a tight hug. I think he learned the hug from watching Barney & Friends (his second favorite TV show). Even though he hasn’t gotten to the point of stitching together a sentence, he sure knows how to demand an audience or a participant for all his actions. I know this because the first time he hugged me I hugged him back with the light graze of one hand, but he was having none of that. The little man kept going in for hugs until I made a satisfying enough attempt to stoop to his level and return his hug with as much enthusiasm and warmth. Such acts give me high hopes on what this golden child is gonna grow up to become.

Obviously it’s too early in his life for me to make out what he is gonna be when he grows up, but from all the things that I witness him doing I can bet 3 months salary that the little man dreams of being GROWN. As seen by how he spends his time trying to do what grown ups do. We be just chilling, listening to some music right, and little man will just pull out a pair of my fathers shoes (from whichever corner of the world he had hid them last time we were just chilling). He takes this pair of shoes he just transmutated from thin air and proceeds to wear them over his own shoes. At this point I dare anyone to stand in his way when he is taking those grown man strides, matter fact I double dare y’all! So far there’s nothing we can do to stop him. I guess it goes to show that toddlers learn to do what they see, and the more they do the better.

Even though I appreciate seeing such acts sometimes it does get problematic. I have a personal beef with feeding the little man. Because when his grown spirit kicks in he will try to feed me! It’s good and well when he feeds me food from my plate, but you have to understand that he usually sits out of reach of the plate and the only food he can feed me is the food in his mouth. So little man is gonna spit out whatever he is in the process of chewing and hold it up for me to eat. Kids.

On a separate note, I think it’s a tragedy that we grow out of this “let me do that” attitude. We adopt “dreams” and “aspirations” but that usually translates to us doing less and less things. I have so many peers who say they wanna start or do something but I have very few peers who are starting or doing something.

Many of them are in the process of waiting. Waiting to get the money they “need” for their hobby. Waiting to sharpen they skills enough to publish their work. Waiting to finish school before they start doing that thing they have a passion for. Waiting for a better paying job before they start selling that niche valuable they have so much knowledge in. But which dreams have been actualized through someone waiting? I do understand that some dreams are big, but isn’t it that a journey of a thousand moons starts with one step?

So may we all wake up with the liver to take the first few steps in our journeys to living or dreams, and if it requires us to wear shoes that are a couple of sizes to big may we take the strides like those shoes are our own.

