Jenny from the block

Jessie Lopez
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2014

Lessons from a hairdresser are hard to come by when you never go to the hairdresser. Preferring budget selfie home cuts and trims from your buddies are a thing of the past after meeting Jenny from the block. “She used to have a little, now she has a lot”… of wisdom.

The first time I met Jenny from the block was over the phone when making an appointment. Her sprightly introduction was “I’ll be cutting your hair today. My names Jenny, Jenny from the block”. This could have been the end of our friendship, but instead I watched Jennifer Lopez (a.k.a. JLO) video clips until five minutes before the cut.

In the first half an hour in the salon Jenny from the block had massaged my head into a lull and lathered me with every delicious flavour and fragrance to a point where nothing she said or did seemed outrageous. Not even when she started showing me her fitness routine, ideal for mums over 35 y/o. Nor when she explained how important your body is “to keep your man happy”, adding “particularly work those back muscles” as she demonstrated which dance moves help with that. I know what you’re thinking.. what music did she dance to? Don’t worry. Mad R’nB beats were blaring in the background, including some JLO. A staple at Jenny from the block’s salon.

Post-head massage things got serious. Jenny from the block explained how important it is not to judge people, to be nice to everyone irrespective of what they have in their pockets or what they look like. She said life is all about being confident and happy in who you are, and enjoying how lovely ice-cream is. No sooner than this was said, Jenny from the block handed me coffee, vanilla and macadamia ice-cream with caramel topping in a rainbow striped cup, and chilled iced water in one of those cool jar-glasses with colourful straws. She blow-dried my hair as I scooped ice-cream and her wisdom into my belly.

Jenny from the block ‘aint no fool. I think she might actually be JLO in disguise. I mean, she can dance. Take it away JLO:

“I’m down to earth like this, rockin’ this business (hairdressing)”.

Can’t get enough Jenny from the block? No worries! Try this link

