Pikciochain — A glimpse into the future

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2018

Dear Community,

We have some information we want to share with you all about the future of Pikciochain and the PKC token. We are eager to hear your thoughts and feedback as we look towards 2019 and beyond.

After listening to the communities feedback and following a number of internal discussions we have decided to cancel the creation of PKGas. We are fully focused on establishing and strengthening the utility of the PKC token. The following are some of the ways in which we aim to stimulate the usage of PKC within the ecosystem:

- The Pikciochain will become completely open source, starting with the Mainnet and the Block Explorer as planned for the end of Q1 2019. This will allow developers from all over the world to not only experiment with the Testenet but also to push original Dapps on the PikcioChain ecosystem. After Mainnet will come the SmartContract Builder and a number of other tools for developers. These Dapps will propose services to individuals who have PikcioIDs with certified data. In order to push Dapps on the PikcioChain, developers will be required to purchase PKC tokens.

- These Dapps will generate Personal Data transactions. As already planned, these transactions will be monetized with PKCs.

- In order to build a significant pool of individuals with a PikcioID for these Dapps, PikcioAG will be focusing on providing Digital ID as a Service to companies like Token Sale issuers, crypto exchanges, Neo-banks etc. This will generate a significant amount of users for future Dapps. In order to access or purchase the services proposed by these Dapps, users will need to stack a variable amount of PKCs.

- These PKCs and the Dapps services will be accessible through THE WALLET. The very first service that we have developed is the Token Sale Dapp. Due to a significant decrease in future Token Sales that we could propose through THE WALLET and the move towards STO (Security Token Offerings), we are slowing down the WALLET release roadmap while waiting for the regulators in the main geographical zones to issue regulations. When the environment becomes more stable, we will accelerate the release.

- Last but not least, we will include the community of token holders in our Employees Participation Plan which will be available during Q1–2019. This will allow every PKC holder to receive PKCs while contributing to the building of Pikcio. These contributions will include bug hunting, content providing, referrals, etc. The more PKCs hold, the more the reward gets multiplied.

This is just a sneak preview of what we have planned for Pikciochain and the PKC Token, we will have more details to share over the coming months. Our communities feedback and support is invaluable to us as we aim to fully realise our vision for Pikciochain.

For the latest up-to-date information about Pikciochain:

Visit our website,

And join our community.

Warm regards,

The PikcioChain Team

