PikcioChain signs key partnership with French government institutes

Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2018

Original Publishing Date: Mar 2018

Dear Community,

Another great day, another great partnership announcement. This time, we are collaborating with Praxiling, Epsylon lab and the University of Montpellier.

Praxiling, a research lab expert in data privacy and user experience, and Epsylon lab, a research lab specialized in human responsiveness and behavior with regards to new technologies, are both part of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), or the French National Center for Scientific Research. The French National Center for Scientific Research is the largest governmental research organisation in France and the largest fundamental science agency in Europe.

This collaboration will launch the Etrust (Econfiance in French) project in September 2018. The project will be financed through French and European funds.

The project will last for 3 to 4 years with the ambition to provide a journey through personal data usage and privacy. For individuals, digital identity has become increasingly important and along with it, the topic of data privacy. The EU GDPR (General Data Privacy Regulation) seeks to give control over personal data back to the individual and aims towards increased transparency when it comes to the usage of private data by corporations.

The PikcioChain platform is designed to support data privacy from its core, it’s truly privacy-by-design. The ambition of the Etrust project is to offer a seamless user experience on the whole journey through personal data, from data creation -management, -control to -sharing. Most social applications where users build up their digital identity provide a static experience, where all features are accessible at once and where the user experience remains the same for each individual. Etrust aims to build a user experience tailored uniquely to each individual, by providing simple but powerful utilities to let everyone create their own journey, while offering a high level of control over various features and customization metrics.

With this project, we the PikcioChain team expect to gain extensive insights on user behaviour, experience and ergonomics data.

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Warm regards,

The PikcioChain Team

