How Piktochart’s Design Team Finds Inspiration

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5 min readOct 5, 2016

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”– Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Good design is the very thing that makes infographics tick. It is what makes them so engaging and easy to process for those of us that are “visually wired”.

Good design, however, is not easy to accomplish. It lies at the intersection of art and science. It requires imagination and creativity to create something fresh and beautiful.

On the other hand, good design must also be functional. An infographic is well-designed when it effectively communicates the messages within, and not when its design steals the focus away. Typographer John Berry said it well:

“Only when the design fails does it draw attention to itself; when it succeeds, it’s invisible.”

And this is the dilemma that our design team contends with on a daily basis. Each week, they craft infographic templates for our users (there are over 500 in our database to date while simultaneously helping with the design needs of a growing bootstrapped start-up.

It’s harder to create a template than an infographic

4 Designers, 500 Infographic Templates: How Piktocharts Design Team Finds Inspiration

According to Mok, there “is a difference when it comes to designing an infographic for a specific purpose compared to a template for Piktochart’s editor.”

“We could unleash our creativity on the former, but we face restraints on certain aspects when it comes to the latter.”

The process begins with an understanding that they are designing for non-designers, helping our users “make information beautiful.” Design thinking, therefore, is essential in accomplishing this.

“We always strive to create good, user-friendly template designs,” explained Kimberly. “It is very important to take time to understand our users and audience, to observe how users are utilizing the templates, and the difficulties they face.”

Here’s where they get the inspiration to keep the designs fresh and exciting.

Websites, books, and magazines

books magazines piktochart design team

Most modern professionals have a set of go-to materials to keep themselves updated on the latest and best.

Our designers are no different. Here are some of the websites, books, and magazines that give them a head start.

Books and magazines


To keep up-to-date on their latest inspirations, our design team uses a Chrome extension called Panda which aggregates all of their content on a simple dashboard.

design team piktochart

“It helps curate a variety of quality designs each time we open our browsers. Inspirational designs at our disposal!” explained Kimberly.

Beyond these websites, she said that the team also keeps an eye out for any form of random inspiration they might stumble upon in any corner of the web.

Our Head of Design, See Mei, came across this video four years ago, which she says still inspires her to this day:

Inspiration from abroad

While the Internet does an admirable job of connecting us to the rest of the world, there’s nothing that can truly replace the experience of being out there in person. Our designers unanimously agree that they’ve gained new perspectives and insights while overseas.

Penang (our headquarters home) might be well-known for its street art, but See Mei thinks that Bangkok and Cebu have served as even greater sources of inspiration for her.

In particular, she was very impressed by “how daring the Thai and Filipino are when it comes to their art.” Bangkok’s street markets and temples have left an impression, as well as their advertising videos, which she thinks “are funny yet very impactful.”

design team piktochart

See Mei spent some time staying in Cebu, so she has fond memories of the city. She recalls the striking colors and design elements used at the Sinulog Festival, a religious and cultural event that happens annually on the third Sunday in January.

She also thoroughly enjoyed the cheerful artwork and banners used for Geeks On A Beach, an annual tech event in the Philippines. The aptly-named Cebu-based creative studio Happy Garaje is the mastermind behind the creations.

The next two countries she hopes to visit are Germany and Japan.

design team piktochart

Mok has a different take on getting inspired while overseas. To her, it’s not so much about the surroundings, but the people that she gets to meet abroad.

“I’d like to think that it’s the people you meet or befriend there who influence you the most,” she said. “By chance, I got to interact with the design community from Singapore last year, and they left quite an impact on the way I perceive design in general.”

design team piktochart

She described them as “outspoken and energetic.” “The designers work hard and play hard, despite the hectic lifestyle they lead,” Mok added.

Keep things simple

design team piktochart

Here are some parting tips from our designers:

  • Always ask another person for honest feedback.
  • Remember the five basic essentials to creating good design: typography, whitespace, color, consistency, and content.
  • When in doubt, keep things simple.

Have any questions for our talented design team? Now’s your chance! Drop us a line here, or tweet us @Piktochart and use the hashtag #PiktoAsk.

Images via Unsplash, Piktochart

For more tips on infographic design, along with some advice on how visual storytelling can improve your skills as a designer, marketer, and educator, check out our blog at




At Piktochart, we’re a bunch of enthusiastic and passionate people joined together for one mission — to help people tell visual stories, beautifully.