Networking — computers, humans, or internet connection?
The term networking is widely used everywhere. According to the Cambridge dictionary, networking refers to (1) the activity of meeting people who might be useful to know. Or (2) the process of connecting computers together so that they can share information. Whereas social networking means the activity of sharing information and communicating with groups of people using the internet, especially through websites that are specially designed for this purpose.
Although networking could mean both, as a social being, we are going to talk about the first definition of networking, which is the activity of meeting people who might be useful to know.
Why do we network?
Just like the definition, we are meeting people who might be useful to know. This does not mean taking advantage of someone else. Of course, us as human beings need the help of other people to do things as we are unable to live by ourselves, and this is the base of networking. Knowing other people so we can help each other out, especially when we have the same goal.
Imagine making an application. Who are we making it for? What is the purpose of that application? To be able to answer this, we need to have other people to answer this question for us. What do people need? Are we making it the way other people need it? To be able to answer this question in a broad perspective, we need other people’s opinion. To be able to know other people’s opinion, we need to know them. Therefore, networking is really important.
When do we do this?
Whenever we can! In each project, we might meet new people. During the development of the project, we might be meeting new people. There is no such thing as right and wrong time on when to do networking.
When we are working on a project, we work with several different people from different departments. We need to know the product owner, user, other developers, our teammates well. We also need to know the professor well. No one is exempted from networking!
What can you do to start networking?
I have several tips to share with you regarding how to be able to connect with people!
1. Start to know other people
We need to introduce ourselves to each other and to know others too! Being nice and respectful is the key. Observe how other people think of things and what they do. We might be able to be closer to other people if we have similar interest to others, which will make it easier for you to communicate well.
2. Have a plan
Know our own weakness and strength. Knowing this well will make it easier for us to communicate and network better with others. For example, if we understand and like certain topics more than another. Knowing our weakness will let ourselves know what not to do during conversations. For example, if you have a bad habit if you’re nervous, being aware of it makes it more manageable.
3. Forget personal agenda
To be able to network with other people, we must keep it professional. The background of this activity is professional, thus you have to keep it professional with others. If we have a personal agenda going on, that is a big no-no.
4. Everyone is equally important
Be it Product Owner/client, other teammates, other department, professors. No one is beneath others because of their position or how important they are in the project. Treating everyone equally with respect and no discrimination is what everyone should go by, regardless of who they are.
5. Figure out a way to make ourselves useful
Just like the definition, we are meeting with people that might need our help too. This is where we need to find our own strength, what can we do for others? Maybe ask “is there anything I could help you with?” is one of the basic things we can do. Do not hesitate or be shy!
6. Follow up and follow-through
Do not just meet once and be done with it. We need to make sure that the work that we do is good and maintain a good relationship with others, not just during the project but also after. That is why it is important to follow up and follow through the connection!
Benefits of networking:
1. Get advice and support
People, whether older or younger have different experiences. Some more in certain fields, and some less. Knowing more people means more advice from different people and more support.
2. Increases connection
This is obvious and it is one of the main points of networking itself, to have more connection.
3. Expands knowledge
People tend to discuss a topic they know about, which we may or may not be familiar with. If we are not familiar with that topic, it expands our knowledge in a good way.
4. Expands point of view
While discussing, other people will tell what they think about certain things. That is a good thing because it will open our eyes from a new angle we never thought of before.
5. New ideas
All of this combined will result in new ideas and new things ahead!
Good luck for our future endeavours!