People Management

Rayhan Muzakki
Pilar 2020
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2020

A team consists of multiple of individuals collaborating with each other to achieve the same goal, however these individuals are different from each other with their different ages, profile, customs and their personality.

To manage these differences and to align with the entire team is definitely a challenge and that’s where the importance of managing people.

What is People Management?

People management is the process of training, motivating and directing people in your team, an example would be working as a manager to direct employees. People management is important due to:

Influences productivity by morale and motivation.

If team members know what they should do and what resources are needed to perform their tasks it avoids wasting time with obstacles and motivated with a clear goal thus increasing productivity.

Improved work environment

An individual will go to the workplace in a daily basis and if their work environment is preferable for them this increases their sense of belonging, shows the importance of everyone for the team and how much their work assists in the achievement of their goals. Results in reducing conflicts between team members and motivation to work.

key to a successful project change management

When working in a project there would be changes or errors within the work and so if there is effective people management these changes can be easily shared between members and be dealt with swiftness.

Key Components of People Management

There are 4 key components of an effective people management:

Task Management

When working on a project, tasks will be divided to team members. It would be an inefficient way if you are working on a task that is not suitable for or have less experience with others, thus managing which tasks will be entrusted to team members with more experience would be more beneficial and optimal for them because they are not pressured by their inability.


Effective people management involves understanding the people who make up the team, example are team member’s personalities and their motivations. As a team you must work with each other and trust is needed between each team member thus understanding each other is essential in people management.


Communication is important for people management because to share information you need talk between team members or use other tools to share information. Thus having a clear and easy to access communication can share information faster and more accurate.


Motivated individuals work better and thus having a good moral in the team would be more beneficial in the long run. Leadership plays an essential role in this process by giving team members a clear goal.

