Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Rayhan Muzakki
Pilar 2020
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2020

As more projects are getting more complex and larger it is impossible for a single person to finish a project(if someone does it would take a very long time, maybe even months or years) and thus we find people who share the same goal. This could be tough on people with social problems, however a team is more than just finishing a project, it is about how team members bonds and collaborate with each other to finish their ultimate goal.


Ideal Team Dynamics

The ideal team dynamics would be for team members to trust each other, trusting in each other is important in a team because when we work in a team tasks will be divided to members and those tasks will be held responsibility by them, if there is trust in a team communication between members would be easy and open ,leading to more productiveness in a work.

The ideal team dynamics can be achieved by following the characteristices below:

1. Know Your Team

Interacting and bonding with your team members will make you understand their personality and also their strengths and weaknesses, this will make dividing tasks be easier and have no pressure when working. This will also help you plan how to deal with potential problems in the future.

2. Resolve Problems Quickly

If there is a case where a team member engaging in unhelpful behavior, act quickly to challenge it by providing feedbacks that shows the team member the impact of their actions and encourage reflection.

3. Defining Roles and Responsibilites

A team that lacks focus can develop poor team dynamics as they are unable to understand their roles in the team. By assigning roles ,this will motivate team members to address their responsibilities and work together more effectively.

4. Enhance Team Culture

By doing team-building exercises, it can lead to stronger relationship between team members and be more open to each other . Team members would be more enthusiastic to working with each other.

5. Focus on Communication

Make sure that all team members are able to communicate with each other and communicate clearly, if there are any changes to the project all members would know what was updated. In addition make sure all team members share their opinions and ideas so that all members will work in unity.

6. Always Pay Attention

Pay attention to your team members and know what is going on, if your team member has problems you can help with the problem. You are working in a team, if a team member faces a problem it will impact the whole team so paying attention will prevent major problems.


Teamwork might look hard but by following the characteristics of a positive team dynamic I can assure working on a project in a team will be easier than working alone. Fortunately, my team has no difficulities in working together because my teammates are assigned based on my personality and we have been in the same class for these past semester,so we can easily communicate and trust each other.


