Pilar Pelayo Paz
Pilar Sage Wisdom
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2024


How to tune out fear-mongering bs media, tune in to your own personal strength & clarity, and why you must do it now.

Keep your focus and give your attention to the only thing you have any control over - you. Your consciousness.
These are serious things to think about.
If you don’t master yourself, then someone and something else will exert its dominion over you.
When you’re scrambling, you’re scrambling the signal - you get static; can’t tune in. There is magic in stillness, steady vibratory frequency, so the message, guidance, clarity, wisdom can be received, heard, felt, assimilated.
All media is intent on distracting you by stealing your focus and attention, if you allow it.
Keeping you ensnared in fear, worry, anxiety, fomenting anger with false ideas and opinions stated as facts is what feeds them and gives them power, as it siphons your energy and weakens you, making you vulnerable and easy prey to forward their own agenda, whether it’s health, politics, or finances.
It’s all marketing, and you’re being sold, if you let them.
If enough people were to pause, stop and disconnect from the hypnotic death scroll of all media for one week, their life would improve, immediately. It’s become so addictive, like the most dangerous drug. But once you wean, you’re free. Off the hook.
Unhook from that habit and watch your life change.
When people individually are centered and focused on what matters, themselves, they are empowered, triggerless, creating, not begging, not accepting mediocrity and false bs . No longer victims of circumstance.
Then there is no need for “them”. The false puny self proclaimed gods now are seen for what they are, mere wraiths and specters - little, weak, and shriveled. They disappear.
Go on a fast of denial of your divine self.
Feast on affirming only good.
Your attention is your wand. Use it. Protect it.
That is your key to freedom - your Declaration of Independence.

There you have it.
Use it or lose it.
Time to get wise and love one another, like the man said.

Peace and Freedom be with you. Pilar
PS, come over to my Facebook Group for serenity sanctuary, practical wisdom and spirituality facebook.com/groups/holisticwellnesswisdom



Pilar Pelayo Paz
Pilar Sage Wisdom

Holistic Life Coach & Author for Personal Growth and Self-Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit, Essential Living University, Down to Earth Wisdom Worth Sharing.