How Your Mental Diet Affects Your Health and Wellbeing.

Pilar Pelayo Paz
Pilar Sage Wisdom
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2024

Keeping it short and sweet today, but want to give you a little assignment for this week, or any week, so you can pay attention to what you’re letting in.

What are you binging on for entertainment? What are you eating and drinking because you’re desperately trying to give yourself some comfort to soothe your ragged soul? Who are you spending your leisure time with? Why? Do they uplift you and support you, and help you elevate your main game? Are you sure?

What are the baseline thoughts and emotions you’re habitually running through your mind? If they were people, would you let them into your house, especially if they were not invited?

What vibrational neighborhood are you hanging out in most of the time?

It’s good to take a look through this checklist periodically and take that personal inventory.

You life becomes the expression of what you think about all day long, and it shows up in what you select to put in your body, the company you keep, and what you focus your attention on. It can become a vicious circle, or it can be your way out of breaking the old patterns that bind you.

Make your list and check it twice. Make loving and respecting yourself, into your health, wealth and peace, your top priority.

NO is a complete sentence. You can add Thank You at the end to soften the edge, but still say it, and mean it.

Say NO to the meaningless scroll — slow death by scroll is a tragic waste of you. Say NO to the friends that keep you small and stuck because misery loves company. Say NO to crap processed food that is wasting your money and eroding your health. Say NO to Netflix. I just cancelled my subscription because they keep adding more and more ugly programming with nothing but violence, crime, drama, horror I don’t want or need, just low vibe junk, that appeals to the masses but not to me, and not to anyone who is awake enought to be very protective of what the consciousness is exposed to. Why watch or listen to garbage? There are better options. People need to realize how permissive they are with their intake. Funny that people have all sorts of security systems, alarms, cameras and whatever else to protect their home and property, but they leave their most valuable asset — their consciousness — completely unprotected.

Be one of the vibrational 1 percent, and watch your life change, and quick. Spend time in nature. Let nature help your inner physician heal you. Enjoy silence. Enjoy your own company. Eat simple clean food. Prepare your own. Grow your own. Easier than you think. Share a meal and real conversation time with someone worthy. Stretch. Walk. Smell the flowers. Yes, let’s bring that back. Love all animals. Appreciate the air, sky, rain, sun, stars. Read real paper books that uplift your spirit and connect you to your divine source. Journal on a paper journal with your favorite pen and write in cursive, especially before sleep. This helps really reprogram your subconscious old beliefs and accept the new better ones.

Keep your word to yourself. Do what you say you’re going to do. Your mind is the builder of your life, world and body. Cultivate what matters.




Pilar Pelayo Paz
Pilar Sage Wisdom

Holistic Life Coach & Author for Personal Growth and Self-Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit, Essential Living University, Down to Earth Wisdom Worth Sharing.