Pilcro is yours for the price of a coffee!

Patrick Woodhead
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2018

Our third feature release of this year might not be a fans’ favourite, but it is important nonetheless… payments!

To keep the title of this post consistent with our previous two feature releases, I should’ve called it “Pilcro feature release: payments”, but I thought that didn’t exactly cry out to be read!

So I opted for a slightly more relatable one.

The reason that this feature release is important is because the introduction of payments means that we now have a fully functioning service.

And we feel that by asking you to pay for Pilcro, you can expect us to provide an exceptional service for managing your brand assets.

What does this mean for our current users?

For our current users, this means that your free trial period will soon come to an end.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, interest and feedback.

We are looking to implement your fantastic feedback in our product in the weeks to come.

And, what’s more, there is a special offer for you!

For a limited time only, we have put up on our website a pricing offer for early adopters of Pilcro, because we want to reward those who have believed in us from the beginning.


Our pricing page is now available on our website, but I thought I would introduce it here, by putting the price tag in a bit of context.

So… for the price of a cup of coffee a month, Pilcro can be yours.

But whereas a cup of coffee lasts for 5 minutes, makes you feel jumpy and a bit sweaty, Pilcro lasts for the whole month and constantly makes you feel calm and productive!

For £0.49 a month more than M&S’s notorious cauliflower steak (although I think they have now removed this absurd item from their vegetable aisle), Pilcro can be yours.

For £1.50 less than a pint of beer a month, Pilcro can be yours.

And here is Jack Nicholson having had a coffee, a cauliflower steak, a beer AND having just signed up to Pilcro’s early adopter plan!

Thanks for your support Jack!

New users

For new users, there will of course still be a free trial period for you to have a play around on our software. This allows you to have a go creating a Pilcro Artboard, to download the easy-access menu bar app, and use Pilcro in your day-to-day work.

For the trial period, you can continue to use Pilcro for free, and then, at the end of your free trial, you can either decide that Pilcro is a great fit for you and your brand, or we can go our separate ways, happier and wiser from the time we spent together.

Pilcro is smart brand management software for G-Suite. Improve your brand clarity, brand consistency and team productivity with Pilcro — your virtual brand champ.

Please check out our website for more information or if you would like to read another of our blogs, how about this one on “brand debt”.

And please 👏 to share this blog!

Originally published on www.pilcro.com.



Patrick Woodhead

Mathematics, Cryptography, Engineering, Design. Contributing writer for Hackernoon, The Startup. Building stuff @ Protocol Labs. Views my own.