The Emperor’s Burden

Ekrem Atamer
Pilgrims of Warcraft
3 min readAug 3, 2018
The Story of Pandaria Emperor Shaohao by breath-art

Scope: Quest

Size: Solo, requires Exalted reputation with the Lorewalkers or the item “Belt of the Emperor”.

A commonly told story and also an important piece of Pandaren history is the journey of Shaohao, the Last Emperor of the Pandaren Empire. Having defeated all the Sha except Pride, Shaohao eventually conjured the mysterious mists around Pandaria and became one with the land.

While his story inspired races of Pandaria for generations, some also wanted to experience it more directly, leading to the pilgrimage known as the Emperor’s Burden. This is a path of wisdom and humility. The Leader of the Lorewalkers personally decide if one is fit to take this journey and only those who has dedicated enough to learn about Pandaria are allowed. Alternatively, those who find the right artifact will be allowed. In particular, the item is the Mask of the Monkey King, which can be acquired as a super-rare Pandaren archeology find or a super-rare drop from the Troves of the Thunder King.

Part I: The Start

The Vision of the Emperor

The journey starts with a quest taken from Lorewalker Cho, triggered by either using the Mask or having Exalted reputation with the Lorewalkers. After a short dialogue, Cho will send the pilgrim to Mount Neverest and provide a special mask for them.

The pilgrim will be expected to walk up a special path that leads to a peak point, slowed by the wind, taking slight damage due to cold, where he will be met by the Jade Serpent Yu’lon. She will show them the conversation between her and the Emperor. She will then ask the pilgrim to wear the mask, which will transform into a spiritual form of the Monkey King, and send them off.

Part II: The Struggle

The Emperor fighting the Sha of Doubt

On the way back, the pilgrim will be expected to give a mask to the vision of Shaohao. Once he does it and puts it off later, a vision of the Sha of Doubt will appear. Together with Shaohao, they will defeat it.

Once a Sha is defeated, the pilgrim will have a chance to ride the clouds and move between regions instantly. Visiting all temples of the August Celestials, they will defeat the Sha and have dialogues with each other and the Celestials, as per the story.

Part III: The End

At the end of the journey, they will travel to the golden gates of Terrace of the Endless Spring. There, a vision of Shaohao will appear. The initial part of the story will be lived, where Shaohao will be confronted by fear and doubt, but with the wisdom imparted by Yu’lon, overcome them. As he’s about to become one with the land though, the vision of the Emperor will address the Pilgrim, who will now transform into their own self. The Emperor will explain how he thought he understood but in fact, fell victim to the Sha of Pride and because of his folly, the Golden trees now lay corrupted by a great evil. He will explain that he was blessed by the Hope of Chi’ji, the fortitude of Niuzao, the strength of Xuen and the wisdom of Yu’lon and that the Pilgrim is now also blessed as such. He will then bless them with his Humility, bow before them and disappear.

The player will be granted with a special item called the Emperor’s Shame. When used, this item will make the player neutral to all non-Sha, non-Horde/Alliance World NPCs in Pandaria until their first attack and while this buff is active, their mount will be a special cloud.



Ekrem Atamer
Pilgrims of Warcraft

Gamer, gaming industry wanderer, development and design enthusiast. Current WIP: TBD