The Pillar Hypothesis

Jamie Goldstein
Pillar VC
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2016

It’s a new day.

We wanted to do it differently.

We’ve been involved in building startups for many years.

We’ve had our share of success and of failure.

We’ve been investors and we’ve been investees.

And having been around the block many times, we saw that the traditional VC way was kind of broken.

The term VC itself evokes a bit of evil empire with it. The “dark side” connotes a painful lack of alignment between interests of investors and entrepreneurs.

In a business where trust is paramount, the dark side created a world with structures and incentives and approaches that often put us at odds with those where trust is needed the most.

Pillar is going to try to fix that.

By aligning incentives and interests and aligning capabilities with needs.

We’re going to deliver the breadth and depth of experience that matches the breadth and depth of what entrepreneurs’ want, and really, need.

The radical hypothesis is that if we invest in and support founders as we would want to be invested in and supported, we’ll end up in a really good place.


In doing so we want to create the next generation of big, important, lasting technology companies.

Right here in Boston, a city that is bubbling with innovation where the number of breakthrough ideas far exceeds the available capital to support them. It doesn’t mean we won’t invest in other locations, but Boston has a special place in our hearts.

Alignment begins with matching the right skills and sensibilities with the questions, challenges and needs of the entrepreneurs we support.

Instead of hoping that we have what their business needs we gathered a dare-we-say dream team of unbelievably talented CEOs who know startups and big technology like nobody else in Boston.

Sixteen driven, insightful, connected Founding Pillars who have been there, done that, are there today and doing that as we speak.

An investment from Pillar is an investment from them.

An investment in Pillar is an investment in them.

And we won’t do it alone.

We’re going to align every step we take, every decision we make, with the interests of our larger community here in Boston. This is the starting point of a new way — a style, a capability, a commitment, a philosophy that will be larger than our small team. Success will take collaboration and a shared desire to push for greatness in everything we build and in how we build it.

And now the fun (and hard work) begins!

So if you have a big, ambitious idea you simply can’t stop thinking about and want someone to help advance it or you have a company and want to take it to the next level or you simply want to be part of something exciting and new, please reach out. We’d love to connect.



Jamie Goldstein
Pillar VC

Founder of Pillar Companies. Former VC with North Bridge. Avid fan of anything involving a mountain. Husband of Jodi and dad of three amazing boys.