Facebook launches a cryptocurrency and a wallet. Game over or… game on?

Jack Bass
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2019

Last week’s events assured me that tech space is one cruel world. The most forward-thinking visionaries with their ground-breaking ideas had to step aside for a few days and give the whole stage to their most exemplary opponent.

“If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason not to be transparent.” Artwork by unknown Artist, RedVetch just took the photo.

As it presented its idea for a blockchain-powered solution, Facebook became the most talked about company in the space. It’s not the first time it has made headlines — which usually supplied us with multiple reasons to push the development of decentralized technology forward. But the implications of Zuckerberg’s latest announcement are too serious to simply boycott and the whole story is way bigger than just another huge player entering the field of crypto.

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