Pillar Ambassador Program

Jelena Keatley
Published in
1 min readJul 25, 2019
Val representing Pillar at the Bitcoin Ben’s World’s Largest Crypto Meetup — here with the DigiByte crew

Here at Pillar, we are very passionate about being transparent with our community, as well as empowering and educating people about the power of decentralisation and blockchain.

We understand that it’s difficult to provide 24/7 customer support when there is such high interest. It takes a lot of people to cover our channels and provide answers to our ever so inquisitive audience. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate that we have these people in our community who are happy to spread the word once they get some insight from the core team.

We are proud to have over 20,000 people in our community who follow us daily through various platforms, from Instagram to Medium and newsletters.

As we consider our community to be our strongest asset, we created an Ambassador program to empower you, make your voices be heard, and develop spokespeople, knowledgeable about innovation and technology within the blockchain space.

Read More on the Pillar Blog

