Pillar’s 2020 vision for real humans 🔭

We’re taking Pillar to the moon. Our 2020 vision outlines all the collaborations, partnerships and features that will give Pillar the fuel it needs to reach new heights 🚀

Savannah Lee
2 min readMar 11, 2020


From experimenting with DeFi and DAOs, to growing our user base, to building out personal data management solutions… we’ve got BIG plans for Pillar this year.

Since we have many partnerships, collaborations and features lined up, we’ve broken this article into 5 sections:

  1. Growth, partnerships and collaborations: Building the Pillar Ecosystem
  2. Building the Personal Data Locker: Control your identity
  3. DAOs: Introducing democracy to Pillar via DAOHaus
  4. DeFi: Pillar Joins the DeFi revolution
  5. Enhancements to the Pillar Smart Wallet: Updates to the Offers Engine and PPN, crypto insurance plus much more!

1. Growth, partnerships and collaborations: Building the Pillar Ecosystem 🌏

This year we’re all about growing the Pillar Ecosystem through new and exciting partnerships and collaborations.

We’ve partnered with some exciting projects to help us reach new audiences, and grow our user-base so that we can achieve world domination in 2020 🤓

Pillar has been selected as the main wallet partner for DankMemes! 👾

DankMemes owns and operates over a dozen popular groups on Facebook with a total of 15.2 million followers (… and counting 😉)!

The DankMemes team recently released a series of mobile games where their community can earn loyalty points and redeem them for physical items — like AirPods and iPods!

Seeing an opportunity to introduce crypto to their massive community, our team decided to create an ERC20 token that will be pegged 1:1 to the points on their internal platform…

So with a partnership with the Abridged.io team, we’re developing a dedicated web wallet to serve Dank and its users.

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Savannah Lee
Writer for

Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man. (Also — leading R&D at Mysterium. Network)