The Pillar Wallet — Current State and the Vision for 2019

Drew Harding
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2019
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TL;DR: In the following article, I outline Pillar’s product vision and planned functionality for 2019 starting with larger, long term goals and moving to soon-to-be-released features. The following addresses our intended support for multiple blockchains, smart contract accounts with enhanced security, identity management laying the foundation for the Personal Data Locker and our off-chain first design approach as a way to solve known network scalability and user experience challenges. I also address specific user feedback including enhanced connection functionality, biometric login, Pillar’s in-wallet offers exchange and our upcoming referral program to help drive wallet installs. Much of the following functionality has legal and/or network upgrade contingencies outside of our control and may impact our timeline or priorities accordingly. This list is not intended to be final and we expect there can and will be changes.

The Pillar Project recently launched its first product, the Pillar Token Wallet, which lays the foundation for the development of the Pillar personal data management platform and services ecosystem. I am excited to share with you a detailed product vision that will extend upon the token wallet functionality and increase the overall utility of the PLR token and platform.

Multiple Blockchain Support ⛓

Our first step, driven by strong user demand, is to increase the number of blockchains supported in our wallet. We recently hosted the NEM, Digibyte and Radix teams at our offices in London for a hackathon in order to explore integration with our platform. Due to this collaboration, particularly with the Digibyte team, we have also been evaluating integration of other UTXO coins including Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. For those unaware, Pillar has developed its own open source blockchain explorer in order to provide increased visibility and functionality for token transfers. The first iteration of our blockchain explorer was focused on the Ethereum network including ERC20 tokens, however, we are now extending support for other standards (ERC721) and blockchains.

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