Our first time with Pillow

Ana C!ara Otoni
Pillow App
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2015


Two of the most important things in a relationship are honesty and communication, right?

Since we started Pillow — the playful follow-along app for couples to feel close — we have journeyed along a road filled with constant feedback and improvement, just like every healthy relationship should be!

And with this rich and fruitful collection of thoughts and suggestions, one particular idea stood out — because Pillow is an entirely new and different experience.

We will share with you a collection of stories about your (and our) first time with Pillow.

My boyfriend and I are excited to begin the series of blog posts titled, “Our first time with Pillow”. Here is our honest and real impression of our experience with one of the episodes Pillow launches with, Irresistibility Tantalizing:

Okay, I confess, my very first time with Pillow was by myself. I wanted to see what I was about to try with my boyfriend. I put an episode on, listened for a minute, then listened to another episode for one more minute. The curiosity was killing me. I didn’t get horny and I doubted if we would enjoy it. Then…I tried it with my boyfriend on a random Monday. Oh My God! It was a completely different experience and that’s why it’s important to try Pillow together. That’s the purpose: a playful intimacy app for couples to feel closer. I was laying down in bed when he blindfolded me and pressed play. In the very beginning we laughed a couple times, it was a new experience for us. Then, we got in the mood and I started to enjoy every single inch of his hands touching my body. On Angelina’s command, he did everything very slowly and that was very teasing for me. I could feel the goosebumps from my face to the bottom of my toes. I loved that Pillow invited us to mix the senses, touch and smell. It turned me on in a peculiar and powerful way. I couldn’t see my boyfriend, but I could smell him, I could feel his hands thoroughly through my body. I knew he was there, with me, in that moment. I enjoyed the delightful moment with joy and blessing. I imagined him admiring my body, contemplating me, being glad for having me. I felt loved. I felt incredible.

My boyfriend’s first time with Pillow

When my girlfriend told me she wanted to have a three-way I instantly had mixed feelings. Whereas the idea of two girls at the same time is 95% (if not more) of 13-year-old boy’s fantasies (and perhaps even other men’s too) I actually believe that a threesome with a woman you love can be more problematic than 13-year-old boy fantasy fulfillment. If you saw Chasing Amy, you’ll know what I’m talking about. My girlfriend wasn’t talking about a real girl though. She was talking about the voice on Pillow, which changed the idea for me completely.

Having a relative open minded to tech sex, (I’m sure one day they’ll be an attachment I can put on my tip that will vibrate and spew out cum substitute every 30 seconds, so my girl can feel like she’s giving me multiple orgasms but until then) I figured the idea of a voice-guided sexual episode could be fun. We put it on and in spite of this girl’s voice not being so sexy to me, I followed her instructions and blindfolded my girl (cool). I was unsure if I had to follow her instructions completely, or if I had room to freestyle a bit, which made it strange for me because I felt like I was in school again following a teacher’s instructions. My girl was blindfolded though, so any confusion on my face went undetected. The episode was S-L-O-W in a way that turned my girl on, teasing in a way that’s refreshing to her, and ended on a cliffhanger, which was very well done. There was a moment where I had to spray cologne on my finger and let my blindfolded girl smell it, which was a very nice touch also.

All and all, it was a nice change of pace. I feel that my girlfriend enjoyed it a lot more than I did because some of her senses were deprived and other’s heightened. I didn’t like it as much because of the girl’s voice and because I felt I was back in school being told what to do. I wasn’t sure if breaking the rules was ok or not. I wouldn’t mind trying it again and depending on the voice and episode I could see us trying this out once or twice a month.


If you’re interested in writing about your first time with Pillow, we’d love to hear from you! Drop Laura an email — laura@pillow.io



Ana C!ara Otoni
Pillow App

Journalist. Sustainability, Social Justice & Gender Equality. Becoming Odara daily. Passionate about life, sexuality & wine. Mugs lover.