Pillow Affiliate Partners

Darren John Smith
Pillow App
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2016

If you’re a relationship therapist, psychosexual therapist, sex coach, or sex toy blogger you can earn commission from each referral who downloads our iOS app and subscribes to Pillow — and it’s super easy to get setup!

Apple runs an affiliate program that offers you 7% commission from sales made through our app — but not only that — the sale of ANY other app on their iPhone, within a 24hr period following your referral to the Apple App Store.

We’ll show you how to get going, and all you need is a website to get started.

Sign-up is simple and takes just a few minutes, even for the less tech-savvy of us! You’ll be asked to create a username, password, and provide a website address along with some other basic info. Once submitted it takes 3–5 days to process the application. You’ll receive a confirmation from Apple’s affiliate partner PHG once you’ve been accepted. It’s free to join.

It’s worth noting the sensitivity of our industry — Apple/PHG probably won’t approve an affiliate with photos of dildos on the front page of a website. If you own more than 1 website, use the one that looks the most ‘respectable’ to the boring legal people.

Once approved, you can use your affiliate link anywhere on the web — but you need to be approved first. Unfortunately, it’s not in our (Pillow’s) control.

Now that you’ve received your Affiliate Token, you can start earning commission by linking to our app on your website, blog, or as an email to your clients. The token will start with 1’s or 0’s followed by a random set of letters. You’ll need to append this to the end of our App Store link, along with a few other characters.

The basic app link is: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pillow-intimate-sensual-adventures/id1060044689

If your affiliate token is ‘10fghjk you simply add ‘?at=10fghjk. The full link that you should add to your site will look something like this:


And there you have it, earn commission when you link to Pillow!

It’s worth remembering, once you’ve joined Apple’s Affiliate network you can link to any of the millions of songs, apps, movies, TV shows available from iTunes, App Store, Apple Music, iBooks, and earn 7% commission on everything.

If we haven’t covered your question, check out this more Comprehensive Guide to Apple’s Affiliate Program or leave us a comment below.



Darren John Smith
Pillow App

Product Designer, SexTech Entrepreneur, Mental Health Coach (Tics & Tourettes), Healer, UX Mentor, DJ, Writer and Youtuber.