Pillow Episode: Deeply Gazing — True intimacy is just a glance away

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Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2016

You might think you know your partner — but have you ever looked at them avidly, gazing deliberately and at length into their eyes? Here’s your opportunity to look deep into your partner’s face and re-establish those passionate connections; rediscover the intriguing, provocative, complex person within.

Taking the time to really observe one another is a true indulgence. Nothing is more intimate than holding each other’s gaze for minutes on end — losing yourself in the features of the one you love. Take stock of details you have never appreciated before and marvel at the person before you. Feel your connection and attraction grow even deeper…

“Notice their features and those little details that you may sometimes rush past.”

Our Expert Says

“Our Deeply Gazing episode is about connecting with your partner on the most primitive level. Eye contact deepens emotional affinity and plays a huge part in bonding. It’s how we show interest in our partner and captivate their attention.

Eye contact can change the energy between two people, and this exercise is just about that — connecting intimately. It involves trust. There’s a vulnerability that comes with prolonged eye contact, as there’s a sense of being taken out of yourself and being lost in that other person. At the same time, this is what can make it so amazing and ultimately rewarding.”

Download Pillow Play on your phone and go deeper together, intimately.



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Innovation Consultant / Creative Coach / Strategist / Lifelong learner / www.laurastuckiconsulting.com