What’s New in SexTech — The Ladies of London

Darren John Smith
Pillow App
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2016

The #SexTech industry is picking up pace, and it’s no surprise that women are at the helm.

Whilst Cindy Gallop of MakeLoveNotPorn, Ti Chang of Crave and Whitney Wolfe of Bumble are making noise in the U.S., what’s been happening on this side of the pond, in our European bedrooms?…

…other than the odd break up, here’s what you should know about in 2016— hot products that can enhance your sex life in a variety of ways, and the ladies behind them.


Stephanie Alys, Co-founder and Chief Pleasure Officer

Stephanie is a Co-founder and Chief Pleasure Officer (CPO) for British lifestyle brand, MysteryVibe. The company develops highly personalised, luxury pleasure products through user-driven design and cutting-edge technology. We love Crescendo the sex toy that has custom vibrations and flexibility so it can be shaped to suit your mood.

Stephanie Alys

As CPO, Stephanie focuses on encouraging dialogue as part of the company’s long-term vision to change perceptions around pleasure in a positive, empowering way. She believes that pleasure is a natural part of the human experience and is fundamental to our happiness.

Recognised as a thought leader in sextech, she has been featured in publications such as the Guardian, CNBC and TechCrunch.



Tania Boler Co-founder and CEO

Tania Boler is an internationally recognised women’s health expert and the co-founder of Chiaro, an innovative technology brand specialising in wearable tech for women, by women. With a mission to develop bold and beautiful products that make a real difference to women’s lives, Chiaro launched their first product, the revolutionary pelvic floor exercise tracker Elvie in autumn 2015.

Tania has always been passionate about the under-researched and taboo areas of women’s health. With degrees from both Oxford and Stanford Universities, she went on to complete a PhD in Sexual Reproductive Health and has published extensive research and several books on the subject. Armed with in-depth knowledge and a talent for normalising conversation around neglected areas of women’s health, Tania went on to work with the UN and Marie Stopes, always with the vision of helping all women have candid conversations about often difficult and intimate topics. Tania considers one of her biggest achievements during her time at the UN was launching the first ever UN Curriculum on Sexuality Education.

The idea behind founding Chiaro and launching Elvie came to Tania when she was pregnant with her first child in 2011. Tania became fascinated by how different countries look after women when they are recovering from childbirth. Having a French husband, she learnt how French women receive complimentary pelvic floor physio treatments after they have given birth, whereas women in the UK are offered no such help. As a sexual health researcher Tania was shocked at how neglected this important set of muscles were; they are vital for women’s physical and mental wellbeing. Tania realised that learning the importance of exercising the pelvic floor is one of the last uncharted territories in women’s health.

“People often ask me if this is a health issue or a sex issue. Yes it is both but ultimately; it is a woman’s issue. We need to shift everyone’s thinking on a grand scale. Our sexuality, our health, our bodies can all be fun and something positive. Once we start thinking about ourselves like that then things will really change. Elvie helps women feel good about themselves so its one small step in the right direction.”


Pillow Play

Kate Moyle, Partner and In House Expert

Kate works as a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist in London helping people to get themselves to a place of sexual health, wellbeing and happiness. When I met Kate in 2015, I was inspired by our unequivocal passion, knowledge and enthusiasm for helping people in their relationships. We’ve since spent the last 12 months crafting an app together that helps couples in their intimate lives, Pillow Play.

Pillow Play nurtures that special bond through better intimacy. As a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist, Kate observes that many couples struggle to find time to be intimate together, even for just a few minutes a day. Furthermore, technology (rightly so) has a bad reputation for getting in the way of relationships, and often causes a barrier between couples who want to feel closer.

But there was a theme to Kate and Darren’s conversations:

“We want to make taking your phone into your bedroom with you a good thing for your relationship”

Pillow Play teaches the art of intimacy and brings couples closer. Instead of using your phone to connect with those who aren’t in the room, Pillow Play intimately connects you with the person who is in the room through proven techniques that are used by sex & relationship therapists.

The #SexTech space is heating up, and we’re excited to be part of it! — d


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Darren John Smith
Pillow App

Product Designer, SexTech Entrepreneur, Mental Health Coach (Tics & Tourettes), Healer, UX Mentor, DJ, Writer and Youtuber.