OFFICIAL: Snapchat Spectacles — Why Marketers Need to be Watching

#GhostFaceChillah is awake. Are you?

Kevin Hung
Pillow Talks
4 min readSep 24, 2016


Snapchat has officially announced the long rumored investment into hardware is true. With Out-Of-Home boards popping out from all corners pre-announcement, CEO Evan Spiegel has unveiled “Spectacles”, sunglasses with the capability to record up to 10 seconds of live video with just a tap to the world just a few hours ago.

The product is set for release this fall for $130 and Spiegel suggests it’s “a toy” and with limited production; not so different from the original launch of Snapchat. Also just released is the commercial spot for the product. See here:

Some may consider this as a risk for the mobile company but others should realize it’s potential. Facebook, Google, and Samsung are placing significant investment into the space of augmented or virtual reality with a largely tethered and expensive experience. But with Snapchat comes an inexpensive and completely untethered connection to the web with tremendous upside. Snapchat quietly (and very successfully) introduced AR to the world through lenses/filters in its app and consumers have shown their love for it by its large scale adoption and interactions. Brands from Taco Bell to Tiffany’s have all placed big media dollars into the apps experience and have seen Snapchat users all over post themselves with their brand on their behalf. The mass appeal and engagement is garnering more and more attention from marketers trying to get onboard everyday.

The popularity of the mobile app has over 150 million daily users so the opportunity for the predominantly millennial audience to grab hold of Spectacles could be huge. If successful, there are direct implications for marketers to make note of.

Snapchat Is Planning For Growth

They have aggressive 2017 revenue projections from $500MM — $1B and are looking to quickly become a more frequented media vendor and investment on marketing plans. Snapchat already garners more eyeballs than the top TV shows for 18–34 year olds. (To the tune of 41% vs. 6% of the top 15 TV network shows to be specific.) Moreover, they’re proving that communication has evolved into something entirely different. Its users are absorbing content in a fashion that doesn’t come in the form of traditional television spots. Adoption of Spectacles means even more content will be created and increases Snapchat’s relevancy with the target. Greater scale and usage into the new era of technology means Snapchat doesn’t plan on disappearing anytime soon. As they change the game, marketers will need to evolve as well.

More Than an App

It’s not just a social media platform, it’s become a camera company as Spiegel suggests. We’ve seen the popularity of GoPro’s head mounted cameras but not everyone seeks to carry additional equipment. Spectacles are easy to use and are meant for any or everyday use. Snapchat has lowered the barrier to entry for consumers making moments and memories even simpler to manage.

But Will It Just Be Another Google Glass?

Generally, Glass was ahead of the curve. It had a great deal of hype but not enough adoption to make it flourish. The hefty price tag at $1500 a pair was also released to the masses at a time where there was little adoption of AR . Today’s consumer however, is always camera ready, excited to find a new filter, a new Pokemon so it’s more the norm and accepted behavior to observe people engaged almost anywhere with some mixed reality.

Heads Will Rise Again

We will return to heads-up world vs. heads-down. Marketers will need to move quickly and understand how to communicate well in these new but revisited environment. Filters and production formats will need to be updated if the viewing vantage point is in the form a screen inches from the eye. At least with Spectacles 115 degrees but many still suggest a 360 approach. Either way, it’s an enhanced first person world. Customization will be key.

Your Brand Will Truly Always Be On

The importance of your brand’s always-on presence will be hyper critical. Good or bad customer experiences will be recorded and distributed at large scale with a mere tap. No longer restricted or warned by a consumer reaching for a phone will mean these interactions can be placed on mass for display. Be mindful of the training and involvement you provide for your customers attention,; it could be your last.

Go Forward.

There’s no question in my mind that Snapchat is making advancements to drive its users growth and maintain relevancy as their consumers mature. They have a real opportunity and are naturally extending through the lens of a ‘toy’. Snapchat is progressively moving into the heads-up and mixed reality environment freeing hands and generating moments for marketing. It’s up to you to take advantage of the tremendous success while its happening or sit by the wayside and be missed. While many will wait to see if they will rise as the true champion, the momentum of change will not. Advance as they have and you may prevail too.




Kevin Hung
Pillow Talks

Strategy & Innovations. Business, communications, innovator, doer, story-teller, fitness fanatic, tech junkie, branding, and friend of food.