Biomedical Science at SJND

Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2023

Written by Isabella D. ‘27

Picture courtesy of Saint Joseph Notre Dame Website

For a couple of years now, SJND has had an amazing biomedical science program that any student can take! If you’re interested in all types of sciences, this course is for you!

Across your 4 years at St. Joseph, you get to learn all kinds of biomedical sciences.

So what is biomedical science? Well, it’s a mix of both biology and medicine. Depending on which course you take, and what level you take it at, you go in depth about subjects such as immunology, disease, biochemistry, and more. You might make inventions in class, or maybe do a science fair!

The idea of this course is to learn about a variety of sciences that will help you grow your knowledge and set a foundation for your future. Even at a high school level, the knowledge you’ll gain from this curriculum will be a stepping stone to many careers.

“The good thing about biomedical science is that you don’t need to commit to a specialty right away,” states Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School Website.

Because you learn about so many different topics, you don’t need to know exactly what you want to do just yet.

So what are some things you can do with all that you have learned from this course? Well, you can do pretty much anything that is science related! There are so many opportunities that can come from what you learn here, such as biotechnologist, or an environmental engineer! With a biomedical degree, you can do so much. Maybe you’ll go into the dental field or become a doctor.

“The jobs you can get with a biomedical degree are vast and diverse” informs the Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School Website.

Some of the students who have taken Biomed have gone on to go to medical school or gone to corporate America. They all credit SJND’s biomedical course as their launching pad. One day you can be one of the successful ones who blossomed due to the biomed program!



Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island

Oakland, CA. Teaching, learning, sports, and storytelling.