Game Operations at SJND Athletics

Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2023

Written by Ronak R. ‘27

Jeremiah M. ‘27
Evan E. ‘26

The position of game operations at SJND is given to a few students, around 10. Game operations have three people every home game for either basketball or volleyball. This position helps set up the games and operates scores, tracking sheets, books, and shot clocks.

SJND game operations is honestly a great experience for my freshman year. It is super fun and exciting. A fellow student, Jeremiah, is also in game operations but is an announcer for the games. Jeremiah says, “Commentating for the school is a big experience to beef up my college application and give me experience because I want to be a commentator in the future.”

This is Jeremiah’s first year announcing, and I asked him how he thinks he’s doing. “I think I’m doing a good job so far. I think that my area for improvement is pronouncing everyone’s last names.” I agree with Jeremiah, and I also feel great about being a part of this community with him and getting to go to these games and be an important aspect of them. Without us doing these things, no one would have the score, book, tracking sheets, announcements, and many other things.

One other student named Evan (10th grade) is also a part of game operations and has been doing so since his freshman year. “My experience for the past two years was fun, and I was motivated by the money. I also made new friends while doing game operations. ”

Evan was the game day manager for the volleyball season. I will be following his footsteps by being game day manager for basketball season. I asked Evan about how he feels about game operations. “I feel that it’s a good way to make money, as well as getting credits for college,” he reflects.

In conclusion, I really enjoy game operations. I know for a fact Jeremiah and Evan are enjoying the experience as well, and I hope I can work with both of them through the years of high school and build good bonds and relationships with them. They are both talented, and they make my experience better.



Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island

Oakland, CA. Teaching, learning, sports, and storytelling.