Where is the Best Place to Eat Lunch at SJND?

Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island
Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2023

Written by Hannah N. ‘27

Photos by Hannh N. ‘27

Everyday at 11:35am, SJND classes are let out for lunch. The students stream out of the classrooms, eager to meet up with friends and eat their lunches. However, there is one important thing to consider: where to eat?

The SJND Campus presents many options for students to choose where they want to eat. There is the Quad with its a grassy hill and abundant benches and tables to sit at, Marianist, which boasts beautiful trees and a shady, quiet place to eat, and Notre Dame Hall, which is where the vending machines are located. Each location has distinct attributes and different features that make each a popular place to eat lunch. In this article I will break down the pros and cons of each location and provide various student opinions to finally answer the question of where to eat.

First up is the Quad. Conveniently located towards the center of the campus and near all of the other main buildings, the Quad is easy to get to and never very far. It is the center of student activity, always bustling and alive. “I like the Quad because it always has a lot going on. I like being surrounded by the people all my friends sit there and I don’t have to travel,” says Anabelle Holmes ’27. There is also a small grassy hill with trees in the center, providing a nice view and a bit of nature. Scattered throughout the Quad are numerous benches and tables, ensuring that there is always a place to sit. As Ricardo Lieba ’27 states, “You can just find anywhere to sit and it will be okay and you can just have fun.” All freshmen and sophomore lockers encompass the Quad, making it easy to get your lunch or books for your next class. Another plus is that fun events are almost always held here so it is hard to miss them. There are few downsides other than the occasional crowdedness and little shade, as some benches are placed in inconvenient spots. Overall, it is one of the best places to sit in my opinion.

The Quad. Photo by Hannah N.

Next, there is the Notre Dame Hall. Located right next to the Quad, it is also a convenient spot to sit. Another great feature is that the vending machines and microwaves are in the Hall, making it easy to get delicious snacks or warm up your food without having to go far. “I eat lunch in Notre Dame Hall because it’s easier to heat up my food there and you know I’m not trying to do all that walking,” Kaleb Hudson ’27 answered. The school lunches are also distributed from the Hall, so if you regularly order them, it can be helpful to sit there. However, a downside is that it is a relatively small building and has no element of nature, which can make it stifling or overwhelming when lots of people are inside.

Notre Dame Hall. Photo by Hannah N.

Finally, there is the area near Marianist Hall. The location is populated with numerous trees providing shade and a peaceful atmosphere. There are also some benches and tables scattered around for students to sit at. As one student Victor Pham ’27 states, “I enjoy sitting near Marianist for lunch because it’s simply calmer. You get the sense of nature with the fountain and the scenery and trees.” This area is also less busy because of its location. Marianist is located at the far end of the campus, making it a little more difficult to get to. However, this may be worth it for the small crowds. “I enjoy Marianist because it’s really quiet and there’s a lot of space to sit and not a lot of people sit there,” relates Sal Nava-Leyva ’27. Marianist is closer to the Senior and Junior lockers, allowing it to be a more convenient location for the upperclassmen to sit. As Roz Amezquita ’25 shares, “Sitting near Marianist for lunch is a comfortable place for me . . . it’s very peaceful and I get to be around a good amount of nature and sun.”

The Marianist area. Photo by Hannah Niu

Out of the three places, the Quad is my favorite. Many of my friends sit there so I have lots of people to potentially eat with or talk to. I also don’t have to walk a long way, because no matter where my last class is, the Quad is never far away. The proximity to my locker and the vending machines is a great bonus.

Lunchtime is important for so many reasons; it can be a time to catch up with your friends, unwind, or even finish homework. The forty minutes are valuable time, which is why you want to spend them in your preferred environment. Each location has its values and attributes, so choose carefully.

The Quad. Photo by Hannah N.



Michael Sunderland
Pilot Island

Oakland, CA. Teaching, learning, sports, and storytelling.